Micro-Enterprise Survey 2009
Name | Country code |
Burkina Faso | BFA |
Enterprise Survey [en/oth]
An Enterprise Survey is a firm-level survey of a representative sample of an economy's private sector. Firm-level surveys have been conducted since 1998 by different units within the World Bank. Since 2005-06, most data collection efforts have been centralized within the Enterprise Analysis Unit. The Enterprise Surveys are conducted every three to four years across all geographic regions and cover small, medium, and large companies. Data are used to create indicators that benchmark the quality of the business and investment climate across countries.
In some countries, unregistered businesses and firms with a small number of employees make up a large part of the economy. Micro-Enterprise Surveys target registered establishments with one to four employees, while traditional Enterprise Surveys focus on businesses with five or more workers. Sampling techniques and questionnaires are the same for Micro-Enterprise and Enterprise Surveys.
Sample survey data [ssd]
The primary sampling unit of the study is a registered establishment with one to four employees.
Regions covered are selected based on the number of establishments, contribution to employment, and value added. In most cases these regions are metropolitan areas and reflect the largest centers of economic activity in a country.
The whole population, or the universe, covered in the Enterprise Surveys is the non-agricultural economy. It comprises: all manufacturing sectors according to the ISIC Revision 3.1 group classification (group D), construction sector (group F), services sector (groups G and H), and transport, storage, and communications sector (group I). Note that this population definition excludes the following sectors: financial intermediation (group J), real estate and renting activities (group K, except sub-sector 72, IT, which was added to the population under study), and all public or utilities sectors.
Name |
World Bank |
Name |
World Bank |
Name | Role |
TNS Opinion | Assistance in survey coordination |
Research & Marketing Services (RMS) - Ltd. Nigeria | Assistance in survey coordination |
The sample for registered establishments in Burkina Faso was selected using stratified random sampling. Two levels of stratification were used in the Burkina Faso Micro-Enterprise Survey sample: firm sector, and geographic region.
For industry stratification the universe was divided into one manufacturing industry, one services industry (retail) and one services residual sector.
Regional stratification was defined in terms of the geographic regions with the largest commercial presence in the country. Ouagadougou and Bobo-Dioulasso were the two metropolitan areas selected in Burkina Faso.
Two sample frames were used for Burkina Faso. The first was an extract from Fichier Nere (2008) database purchased from the Chambre de Commerce, d'Industrie et d'Artisanat du Burkina Faso. The second frame (the panel sample) consisted of enterprises interviewed for the Enterprise Survey in 2006, which were to be re-interviewed where they were in the selected geographical regions and met eligibility criteria. Both database contained the following information:
-Name of the firm
-Contact details
-ISIC code
-Number of employees.
The quality of the frame was assessed at the onset of the project through calls to a random subset of firms, and local contractor knowledge. The sample frame was not immune from the typical problems found in establishment surveys: positive rates of non-eligibility, repetition, non-existent units, etc. The percentage of confirmed non-eligible units as a proportion of the total number of sampled establishments contacted for the survey was 10.6% (152 out of 1,432 establishments for the ES and micro samples, including panel establishments). Breaking down by industry, the following numbers of establishments were surveyed: Manufacturing - 24, Sector 52 - 31, Other Services - 68.
Complete information regarding the sampling methodology, sample frame, weights, response rates, and implementation can be found in "Description of Burkina Faso Implementation 2009" in "Technical Documents" folder.
For some units it was impossible to determine eligibility because the contact was not successfully completed. Consequently, different assumptions as to their eligibility result in different universe cells' adjustments and in different sampling weights. Three sets of assumptions were considered:
a- Strict assumption: eligible establishments are only those for which it was possible to directly determine eligibility.
b- Median assumption: eligible establishments are those for which it was possible to directly determine eligibility and those that rejected the screener questionnaire or an answering machine or fax was the only response. Median weights are used for computing indicators on the website.
c- Weak assumption: in addition to the establishments included in points a and b, all establishments for which it was not possible to finalize a contact are assumed eligible. This includes establishments with dead or out of service phone lines, establishments that never answered the phone, and establishments with incorrect addresses for which it was impossible to find a new address. Note that under the weak assumption only observed non-eligible units are excluded from universe projections.
The current survey instruments are available:
The “Core Questionnaire†is the heart of the Enterprise Survey and contains the survey questions asked of all firms across the world. There are also two other survey instruments - the “Core Questionnaire + Manufacturing Module†and the “Core Questionnaire + Retail Module.†The survey is fielded via three instruments in order to not ask questions that are irrelevant to specific types of firms, e.g. a question that relates to production and nonproduction workers should not be asked of a retail firm. In addition to questions that are asked across countries, all surveys are customized and contain country-specific questions. An example of customization would be including tourism-related questions that are asked in certain countries when tourism is an existing or potential sector of economic growth.
The standard Enterprise Survey topics include firm characteristics, gender participation, access to finance, annual sales, costs of inputs/labor, workforce composition, bribery, licensing, infrastructure, trade, crime, competition, capacity utilization, land and permits, taxation, informality, business-government relations, innovation and technology, and performance measures. Over 90% of the questions objectively ascertain characteristics of a country’s business environment. The remaining questions assess the survey respondents’ opinions on what are the obstacles to firm growth and performance.
Start | End |
2008-05 | 2009-10 |
Name |
RMS Senegal |
Complete information regarding the sampling methodology, sample frame, weights, response rates, and implementation can be found in "Description of Burkina Faso Implementation 2009" in "Technical Documents" folder.
Private contractors conduct the Enterprise Surveys on behalf of the World Bank. Due to sensitive survey questions addressing business-government relations and corruption-related topics, private contractors are preferred over any government agency or an organization/institution associated with government, and are hired by the World Bank to collect the data.
The surveys were implemented following a two-stage procedure. In the first stage, a screener questionnaire was applied over the phone to determine eligibility and to make appointments; in the second stage, a face-to-face interview took place with the Manager/Owner/Director of each establishment.
Micro-Enterprise Surveys are conducted in the local languages.
Data entry and quality controls are implemented by the contractor and data is delivered to the World Bank in batches (typically 10%, 50% and 100%). These data deliveries are checked for logical consistency, out of range values, skip patterns, and duplicate entries. Problems are flagged by the World Bank and corrected by the implementing contractor through data checks, callbacks, and revisiting establishments.
Is signing of a confidentiality declaration required? | Confidentiality declaration text |
yes | Confidentiality of the survey respondents and the sensitive information they provide is necessary to ensure the greatest degree of survey participation, integrity and confidence in the quality of the data. Surveys are usually carried out in cooperation with business organizations and government agencies promoting job creation and economic growth, but confidentiality is never compromised. |
Aggregate indicators based on Enterprise Analysis Unit data are available to the public at
Firm-level data is also available to the public free-of-charge. In order to access the firm-level data, users must agree to abide by a strict confidentiality agreement available through Enterprise Analysis Unit website by clicking on "External users register here" at
Where necessary please site the source as "Enterprise Analysis Unit - World Bank Group"
The user of the data acknowledges that the original collector of the data, the authorized distributor of the data, and the relevant funding agency bear no responsibility for use of the data or for interpretations or inferences based upon such uses.
Name |
Antonina Redko |
Version 01
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