All-woman factor for the total population.
Variables AWFACTT to AWFACTE are standard inflation factors to be applied to the denominators when using ever-married samples to produce estimates for all women. To produce theses estimates for all women it is necessary to apply the inflation factors to account for the proportion of women never married. Each factor is stored in 5-digit variables, with two implied decimal places. A value of 00128 means an inflation factor of 1.28 should be applied to the individual case to allow for never- married women. This means that for every 100 ever-married women found in the household schedule of a particular age and with the same background characteristic, there are 128 women in total, i. e. 100 ever-married women plus 28 never-married women. These inflation factors are used in the calculation of fertility rates, median ages at first union and first birth, mean number of children ever born, and other all-woman-based estimates.
Note that these inflation factors do not need to be used when the denominator for an estimate is not all women. Four factors are standardly produced for ever-married samples. Additional factors may appear as country-specific variables if they were calculated to produce tabulations for the final report of a particular country. Country-specific variables are located in REC91.