Literal question
In the past 7 days, how many hours in total did [NAME] spend on [ACTIVITY]?
Je, katika siku 7 zilizopita [NAME] alitumia jumla ya masaa mangapi [ACTIVITY]?
Interviewer instructions
This question aims at getting the total time spent on [ACTIVITY]. To help the respondent give a realistic response (i) Recall the actual days you're refering to (ii) Ask on which days he/she undertook the activity and lastly (iii) How many
hours they spent on each day. If it's an activity they perform everyday and CANNOT easily come up with a response then (i) ask for the average number of hours they spend per day then (ii) Multiply the response by 7. If the time spent on
this activity is less than one hour THEN record the minutes. Example, if the respondent says they spent 30 minutes on fetching water then RECORD 0.30
DO NOT enter decimal points for whole hours. ONLY enter decimal points if you need to enter minutes OR hours and minutes. Example, if the respondents says three hours ENTER 3. If he/she says one hour and a half ENTER 1.30