Question pretext
Enabled if T3AQ16 = [2] and (T3AQ8 or T3AQ12) = 2
Literal question
How many other children had to move out of the HH when [NAME]'s parent/parents died?
Je, ni watoto wengine wangapi ambao walilazimika kuondoka nyumbani baada ya mzazi/wazazi wa [NAME] kufariki?
Interviewer instructions
To get the correct answer for this question, you will need to probe for the number of children who used to live in the same house as [NAME] before [NAME] moved out of his/her parent's house. Example, if there were three children
[NAME] inclusive and all had to move to other households after one parent or both parents died THEN the answer to this question would be 2. If it was only NAME who moved out THEN the answer would be 0