Interviewer instructions
Enter her age in completed years, that is, her age at her last birthday. If she knows her age, write it in the space provided.
Probe: “How old were you at your last birthday?”
Compare and correct WB1 and/or WB2 if inconsistent.
If she does not know the answer to either of these two questions, probe for clues that might indicate her age. Ask how old she was when she was first married or first gave birth. Try to find out how long ago she got married or had her first child. (You may be able to find out the age of her oldest child if the child is still living. You may be able to relate her age to someone else in the household whose age is known. You may be able to determine her age based on how old she was when an important event occurred, and the number of years that have elapsed since.) You MUST fill in this information. Do not leave this blank. Compare and correct WB1 and WB2 if inconsistent.
Finally, before moving on to the next question, verify that the respondent is indeed eligible. If the woman is younger than 15 or older than 49, you have to terminate the interview. Do this tactfully by asking two or three more questions and then thank the respondent for her cooperation; write 'INELIGIBLE' on the cover page of the questionnaire, and correct the age and eligibility information for this woman on the cover page and in Columns HL6 and HL7 of the Household Questionnaire.