Question pretext
Now, we are going to talk about post-secondary education degrees that prospective students often consider choosing after completing secondary school
Literal question
On the table are labels describing courses you could have considered doing when you completed secondary school. I would like you to convey how important these courses were to you at the time . I will now give you 20 beans. The more beans you put on top of each label, the more important that course was to you. You can leave labels without beans, you can put all the beans on one label, or you can distribute them as you wish.
Warning: these figures indicate the number of cases found in the data file. They cannot be interpreted as summary statistics of the population of interest.
Interviewer instructions
Please take time to explain this to the respondent. ENUMERATOR, LAY THE LABELS ON A FLAT SURFACE (EACH BEARING THE NAME OF A POST-SECONDARY EDUCATION DEGREE) AND GIVE THE 20 BEANS TO THE MIDWIFE. Labels should be positioned in random sequence and in a circular fashion, as shown in the MANUAL