H2. Is your household's accommodations self-contained?
This means that all the rooms, including the kitchen, bathroom and toilet are behind a door that only your household can use.
[] Yes, all the rooms are behind a door that only our household can use
[] No
H3. How many rooms do you have for use only by your household?
Do not count bathrooms, toilets, halls or landings, or rooms that can only be used for storage such as cupboards.
Do not count all other rooms, for example kitchens, living rooms, bedrooms, utility rooms and studies.
If tow rooms have been converted into one, count them as one room.
Number of rooms _ _
H4. Do you have a bath/shower and toilet for use only by your household?
[] Yes
[] No
H6. Does your accommodation have central heating?
If you have central heating available, [check] 'Yes" whether or not you use it.
Central heating includes:
- gas, oil or solid fuel central heating
- night storage heaters
- warm air heating
- underfloor heating
[] Yes, in some or all rooms
[] No