V. Information on members of the household
2. Persons age 10 or older
[Questions 14-21 were asked of persons age 10 or older]
14. The week prior to the census you:
[] 1 Worked in exchange for wage in money or kind
[] 2 Worked for somebody else without receiving a wage
[] 3 Had a job, business, enterprise, owned a farm, but did not work (due to sickness, strike, vacation, bad weather, etc.)
(If 1, 2, or 3 are selected, continue with question 16)
[] 4 Looked for a job and had previously worked
[] 5 Looked for a job for the first time (i.e., had not worked previously)
[] 6 Did not look for a job because you though none were available
[] 7 Was a "housewife" exclusively
[] 8 Studied exclusively
[] 9 Were a retiree, pensioned, or renter
[] 10 Were institutionalized [imprisoned]
[] 11 Were permanently unable to work [disabled]
[] 12 Other (specify) ____
(For options 4-12, continue with question 15)