18. To be answered only by persons who were enrolled in school (at any level of study, of any type) on the day of the census (March 1, 1991)
Current schooling
Schooling is understood to mean studies which follow an established program, have a minimum duration of three months, and are associated with an official public or private educational institution, even if enrollment is open, or even if studies are undertaken via distance learning or correspondence courses.
First, describe the person's current level of school attendance (for example: 2nd grade of EGB; 5th of medicine, etc.). If the person is simultaneously enrolled in various courses of study, indicate only the one that the person considers his or her primary course of study. [Translator's note: EGB, educación general básica, refers to basic general education.]
Then, with an X, mark the option that corresponds to the school attendance specified. In the previous examples, this would be as follows: 2 X EGB (1st to 5th levels); 11 X Studies in University 6 Faculties or Colleges (1st and 2nd level).
Notes for clarification:
-Option 2 includes adult education at this level.
-Option 3 includes special education provided for persons with disabilities or learning difficulties.
-Option 4 includes adult education at this level.
-Option 7 includes experimental REM (reforms to middle education) schooling and university access.
-Option 8 includes Applied Arts and Artistic occupations, Music Conservatories (mid-level), Official Language Schools, Army sub-officers, flight attendants, ..., and any other field of study that requires, as a prerequisite, a high school diploma or its equivalent.
-Option 14 includes Masters level, specialists, or the equivalent, with a minimum duration of one school year.
-Option 15 includes Higher Military education, Naval education, tourism, physical education, ..., and any other course of study that does not have a separate classification in a separate category and that requires a BUP, COU, baccalaureate degree, or post high school technical training. [BUP, or Bachillerato Unificado y Polivalente, refers to integrated upper secondary education, a 3-year course of university-preparatory education for 14 to 17 year old students, which also prepares students for employment. COU, or Curso de Orientación Universitaria, refers to a one-year college preparatory program.]
-Option 16 includes courses in the National Plan for Job Training and Professional Development in INEM centers, in associated centers, Municipal centers, or in businesses, ...[INEM, Instituto de Empleo Servicio Público de Empleo Estatal, refers to the Institute of Public Service for State Employment]
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Pre-school education
[] 1 Nursery school and pre-school
Primary level education
[] 2 EGB (grades 1 through 5)
[] 3 Special education
Secondary level education
[] 4 EGB (grades 6 through 8)
[] 5 High school for technical training
[] 6 Post-high school technical training
[] 7 BUP and COU [translator's note: see explanation above]
[] 8 Other secondary level education
Post-secondary education
[] 9 Architecture and technical engineering studies
[] 10 Other university colleges
[] 11 Studies in university faculties or colleges (1st and 2nd year)
[] 12 Studies in higher technical schools (1st and 2nd years)
[] 13 Doctoral studies
[] 14 Specialized post-graduate studies for persons with a university degree
[] 15 Other post-secondary education
Unclassified education
[] 16 Occupational professional training
[] 17 Other education