Catalog History

Country Title Year Created Modified
South Africa Labour Force Survey 2001, September 2001 01/27/2012 05/01/2014
South Africa Labour Force Survey 2002, February 2002 01/27/2012 05/01/2014
South Africa Labour Force Survey 2000, September 2000 01/27/2012 05/01/2014
South Africa Labour Force Survey 2001, February 2001 01/27/2012 05/01/2014
South Africa Labour Force Survey 2000, February 2000 01/27/2012 05/01/2014
South Africa Khayelitsha Integrated Family Survey 2002-2005 2002 01/27/2012 05/01/2014
South Africa Khayelitsha Mitchell's Plain Survey 2000 2000 01/27/2012 05/01/2014
South Africa Intervention with Microfinance for AIDS and Gender Equity Study 2001-2003 2001 01/09/2013 05/01/2014
South Africa Integrated Family Survey 1999, (Langeberg Survey) 1999 08/26/2013 05/01/2014
South Africa Income and Expenditure Survey 2000 2000 01/27/2012 05/01/2014
South Africa Income and Expenditure Survey 2010-2011 2010 04/04/2013 05/01/2014
South Africa Income and Expenditure Survey 1995 1995 01/09/2013 05/01/2014
South Africa Income and Expenditure Survey 1990 1990 08/26/2013 05/01/2014
South Africa IDASA Political Culture Study 1997 1997 01/09/2013 05/01/2014
South Africa IDASA Opinion99 1998 1998 01/09/2013 05/01/2014
South Africa IDASA Local Election Study 1995 1995 01/09/2013 05/01/2014
South Africa IDASA National Election Survey 1994 1994 01/09/2013 05/01/2014
South Africa Hout Bay Migration Survey 2005 2005 01/27/2012 05/01/2014
South Africa General Household Survey 2011 2011 01/09/2013 05/01/2014
South Africa General Household Survey 2005 2005 01/27/2012 05/01/2014
South Africa General Household Survey 2003 2003 01/27/2012 05/05/2014
South Africa Victim Survey 2007 2007 01/09/2013 05/05/2014
South Africa Victims of Crime Survey 1998 1998 01/09/2013 05/05/2014
South Africa General Household Survey 2004 2004 01/27/2012 05/05/2014
South Africa General Household Survey 2002 2002 01/27/2012 05/05/2014
South Africa Gauteng City-Region Observatory Quality of Life Survey 2011 2011 01/09/2013 05/05/2014
South Africa Free State HIV/AIDS Household Impact Study 2001-2004 2001 01/27/2012 05/05/2014
South Africa Gauteng City-Region Observatory Quality of Life Survey 2009 2009 01/09/2013 05/05/2014
South Africa Financial Diaries Project 2003-2004 2003 01/27/2012 05/05/2014
South Africa Domestic Tourism Survey 2011 2011 01/09/2013 05/05/2014
South Africa Domestic Tourism Survey 2010 2010 01/09/2013 05/05/2014
South Africa Domestic Tourism Survey 2009 2009 01/09/2013 05/05/2014
South Africa Domestic Tourism Survey 2008 2008 01/09/2013 05/05/2014
South Africa Current Population Survey 1980 1980 01/09/2013 05/05/2014
South Africa Cape Area Study 2005 2005 08/26/2013 05/05/2014
South Africa Bureau of Market Research Survey 1985 1985 01/09/2013 05/05/2014
South Africa Bureau of Market Research Survey 1984-1987, ["homelands"] 1984 01/09/2013 05/05/2014
South Africa Bureau of Market Research Survey 1975 1975 01/09/2013 05/05/2014
South Africa Bureau of Market Research Survey 1980 1980 01/09/2013 05/05/2014
South Africa Agincourt Integrated Family Survey 2002 2002 01/27/2012 05/05/2014
South Africa Agincourt Integrated Family Survey 2004 2004 01/27/2012 05/05/2014
South Africa Cape Area Panel Study 2002-2009, Waves 1-5 2002 01/27/2012 05/06/2014
South Africa Afrobarometer South Africa 2002 2002 01/27/2012 05/07/2014
Ethiopia Addis Ababa Industrial Survey 1993 1993 01/27/2012 05/07/2014
South Africa Omnibus Survey 1993 1993 08/26/2013 05/07/2014
South Africa Kwazulu-Natal Income Dynamics Study 1993-1998, Waves 1 and 2 1993 01/27/2012 05/07/2014
South Africa HIV Infection/AIDS-Related Knowledge, Attitudes and Practices 1993 1993 01/09/2013 05/07/2014
South Africa Omnibus Survey 1994 1994 08/26/2013 05/07/2014
South Africa Aspects of Group Relations 1984 1984 01/09/2013 05/07/2014
South Africa Migration in South Africa 2001-2002 2001 08/26/2013 05/07/2014
South Africa Internal Migration in South Africa 1999-2000 1999 01/09/2013 05/07/2014
South Africa HSRC National Survey 1998 1998 01/09/2013 05/07/2014
South Africa HSRC National Survey 1999 1999 01/09/2013 05/07/2014
South Africa Infrastructure Delivery in South Africa 1998 1998 01/09/2013 05/07/2014
South Africa Attitudes of White South Africans Towards the Truth and Reconciliation Commission 1996 1996 01/09/2013 05/07/2014
South Africa Omnibus Survey 1996 1996 08/26/2013 05/07/2014
South Africa Omnibus September Survey 1995 1995 08/26/2013 05/07/2014
South Africa All Media and Products Survey 1995 1995 01/09/2013 05/07/2014
South Africa Launching Democracy 1993-1994 1993 08/26/2013 05/07/2014
South Africa Comparative National Elections Project 2004, South Africa 2004 01/09/2013 05/07/2014
South Africa Social Attitudes Survey 2006 2006 08/26/2013 05/07/2014
South Africa Social Attitudes Survey 2005 2005 08/26/2013 05/07/2014
South Africa Social Attitudes Survey 2004 2004 08/26/2013 05/07/2014
South Africa Durban Large Firm Survey 2002-2003 2002 01/09/2013 05/07/2014
South Africa Social Attitudes Survey 2003 2003 08/26/2013 05/07/2014
South Africa Afrobarometer South Africa 2006 2006 01/27/2012 05/07/2014
South Africa Afrobarometer South Africa 2004 2004 01/27/2012 05/07/2014
South Africa People's Security Survey 2001 2001 08/26/2013 05/08/2014
Bosnia-Herzegovina Enterprise Survey 2013 2012 05/15/2014 05/15/2014
Ukraine Enterprise Survey 2013 2013 05/14/2014 05/15/2014
Congo, Dem. Rep. Enquête Par Grappes à Indicateurs Multiples 2010 2010 01/31/2013 05/16/2014
Iraq Multiple Indicator Cluster Survey 2011 2011 05/16/2014 05/16/2014
Serbia Enterprise Survey 2013 2013 04/10/2014 05/19/2014
Tunisia Enquête par Grappes à Indicateurs Multiples 2011 - 2012 2011 05/21/2014 05/21/2014
Slovenia Enterprise Survey 2013 2013 05/16/2014 05/21/2014
Macedonia, FYR Enterprise Survey 2013 2012 05/21/2014 05/21/2014
Montenegro Enterprise Survey 2013 2013 05/21/2014 05/21/2014
Djibouti Enterprise Survey 2013 2013 05/21/2014 05/21/2014
Lebanon Multiple Indicator Cluster Survey 2011, Palestinian Camps 2011 05/27/2014 05/27/2014
Croatia Enterprise Survey 2013 2013 05/27/2014 05/27/2014
Mongolia Multiple Indicator Cluster Survey 2010 2010 06/04/2014 06/04/2014
Togo Enquête par Grappes à Indicateurs Multiples 2010 2010 06/13/2014 06/13/2014
Bulgaria Enterprise Survey 2013 2012 04/10/2014 06/17/2014
Romania Enterprise Survey 2013 2012 06/17/2014 06/17/2014
Albania Enterprise Survey 2013 2013 06/17/2014 06/17/2014
Armenia Enterprise Survey 2013 2012 06/17/2014 06/17/2014
Kosovo Enterprise Survey 2013 2012 06/18/2014 06/18/2014
Mongolia Enterprise Survey 2013 2012 06/18/2014 06/18/2014
Kenya Enterprise Survey 2013, Innovation Follow-up Survey 2013 07/02/2014 07/02/2014
Honduras Encuesta Nacional de Epidemiología y Salud Familiar 1991-1992 1991 02/06/2012 07/08/2014
Honduras Encuesta Nacional de Epidemiología y Salud Familiar 1996 1996 02/06/2012 07/08/2014
Honduras Encuesta Nacional de Epidemiologia y Salud Familiar / Encuesta Nacional de Salud Masculina 2001 2001 02/06/2012 07/08/2014
Guatemala Encuesta Nacional de Salud Materno Infantil 2002 2002 02/06/2012 07/08/2014
El Salvador Encuesta Nacional de Salud Familiar 1993 1993 02/06/2012 07/08/2014
El Salvador Encuesta Nacional de Salud Familiar 1998 1998 02/06/2012 07/08/2014
El Salvador Encuesta Nacional de Salud Familiar 2008 2008 02/06/2012 07/08/2014
Ecuador Encuesta Demográfica y de Salud Materna e Infantil 1989 1989 02/03/2012 07/08/2014
Ecuador Encuesta de Salud Materna e Infantil 1994 1994 02/08/2012 07/08/2014
Ecuador Encuesta Demográfica y de Salud Materna e Infantil 1999 1999 02/08/2012 07/08/2014
Ecuador Encuesta Demográfica y de Salud Materna e Infantil 2004 2004 02/03/2012 07/08/2014
Showing 701-800 of 5783