Compare | File | Name | Label |
F1 |
c13 | how many days did it take for you to obtain a water connection? | |
F1 |
c20 | how many days did it take for you to receive a telephone connection service? | |
F1 |
c24c | is the internet connection used to: deliver services to your clients? | |
F1 |
c24d | is internet used to: do research and develop ideas on new products and services? | |
F1 |
c4 | how many days did it take for you to receive an electrical connection service? | |
F1 |
d16 | when you receive your most key input, how many days of stock is available? | |
F1 |
d1a1x | main product\service (by the largest % of annual sales) in last fiscal year | |
F1 |
d1a2 | first product/service isic code | |
F1 |
d1a3 | first product/service, percent of total annual sales | |
F1 |
e1 | main mkt in which you sold your main product or service in last fiscal year | |
F1 |
ECAo1 | has this establishment introduced new products or services in the last 3 years? | |
F1 |
ECAo12 | in last 3 years, has this estab. discontinued at least one product line/service? | |
F1 |
ECAo13 | in last 3 years, has this estab. upgraded an existing product line/service? | |
F1 |
ECAo2 | % annual sales accounted for by products/services introduced in last 3 years? | |
F1 |
ECAp1 | compulsory to have a certificate to produce/sell any products/services? | |
F1 |
ECAp2 | % of sales from products/services subject to compulsory certificates | |
F1 |
ECAq39 | how often do firms like you pay additional payments/informal gifts? | |
F1 |
ECAq63a | effect on decisions to develop new products: pressure from domestic competitors | |
F1 |
ECAq63b | effect on decisions to develop new products: pressure from foreign competitors | |
F1 |
ECAq63c | effect on decisions to develop new products: pressure from customers | |
F1 |
ECAq64a | effect on decisions on production costs: pressure from domestic competitors | |
F1 |
ECAq64b | effect on decisions on production costs: pressure from foreign competitors | |
F1 |
ECAq64c | effect on decisions on production costs: pressure from customers | |
F1 |
i1 | in fiscal year 2007, did this establishment pay for security? | |
F1 |
j7a | percent of total annual sales paid in informal payments | |
F1 |
j7b | total annual informal payment | |
F1 |
k1d | in last fiscal yr, did you pay for any material inputs/services after delivery? | |
F1 |
k1e | % material inputs/services paid for after delivery in last fiscal year | |
F1 |
k2a | % of total annual sales paid for before the delivery in last fiscal year | |
F1 |
k2b | and what percent were: paid on delivery? | |
F1 |
k2c | and what percent were: paid after delivery? | |
F1 |
n2c | total annual costs of communications services in last fiscal year |