Compare | File | Name | Label |
F1 |
A3_10 | Urban development | |
F1 |
A3_15 | Health | |
F1 |
A3_22 | Agriculture and rural development | |
F1 |
A3_5 | Private sector development | |
F1 |
A4_18 | Health | |
F1 |
A4_23 | Private sector development | |
F1 |
A4_26 | Urban development | |
F1 |
A4_5 | Agriculture and rural development | |
F1 |
A5_1 | Human development (e.g., health, education, and social protection) | |
F1 |
A8_9 | Development banks (e.g., National Development Bank) | |
F1 |
B11_13 | Health | |
F1 |
B11_19 | Agriculture and rural development | |
F1 |
B11_2 | Private sector development | |
F1 |
B11_8 | Urban development | |
F1 |
B2 | Overall the World Bank Group currently plays a relevant role in development in PNG | |
F1 |
B3 | The World Bank Group’s work is aligned with what I consider the development priorities for PNG | |
F1 |
B5 | To what extent does the World Bank Group’s work help to achieve development results in PNG? | |
F1 |
B6 | To what extent does the World Bank Group influence the development agenda in PNG? | |
F1 |
B9_5 | Capacity development related to World Bank Group supported projects | |
F1 |
C1 | To what extent do you believe the World Bank Group’s staff is well prepared (e.g., skills mix and knowledge) to help PNG solve its most complicated development challenges? | |
F1 |
C13 | Collaboration with other donors and development partners | |
F1 |
C28 | The World Bank Group’s financial instruments (i.e., investment lending, Development Policy Loan, etc.) meet the needs of PNG | |
F1 |
D1_13 | Health | |
F1 |
D1_16 | Agriculture and rural development | |
F1 |
D1_3 | Private sector development | |
F1 |
D1_8 | Urban development | |
F1 |
D2 | From your perspective, which of the following best describes the World Bank Group’s current emphasis on investing in human capital (e.g., education, health, social protection)? | |
F1 |
E8 | Are adaptable to PNG’s specific development challenges and country circumstances | |
F1 |
E9 | Overall, how significant a contribution do you believe the World Bank Group's knowledge work and activities make to development results in your country? | |
F1 |
F1_1 | Ensure greater selectivity in its work | |
F1 |
F1_3 | Increase the level of capacity development in the country | |
F1 |
F2a_4 | Human capital (education, health, social protection) | |
F1 |
F2b_4 | Human capital (education, health, social protection) | |
F1 |
F4_2 | World Health Organization (WHO) | |
F1 |
F4_3 | United Nations Development Program (UNDP) | |
F1 |
F5_6 | Involve UN experts to a greater degree in World Bank Group activities | |
F1 |
H1 | Which of the following best describes your current affiliation? (Select only ONE response) | |
F1 |
H2 | Please identify the primary specialization of your work. (Select only ONE response) |