Compare | File | Name | Label |
F1 |
A1_1 | Global pandemic – COVID - 19 | |
F1 |
A1_10 | Equality of opportunity (i.e., equity, gender equity) | |
F1 |
A1_11 | Health and nutrition | |
F1 |
A1_12 | Education | |
F1 |
A1_13 | Poverty reduction | |
F1 |
A1_14 | Water and sanitation | |
F1 |
A1_15 | Energy | |
F1 |
A1_16 | Transport and public works (e.g., roads, bridges, transportation) | |
F1 |
A1_17 | Crime and violence | |
F1 |
A1_18 | Trade and exports | |
F1 |
A1_19 | Job creation/employment | |
F1 |
A1_2 | Rural and agricultural development | |
F1 |
A1_20 | Law and justice (e.g., judicial system) | |
F1 |
A1_21 | Natural resource management (e.g., oil, gas, mining) | |
F1 |
A1_22 | Disaster risk management | |
F1 |
A1_23 | Information and communications technology | |
F1 |
A1_24 | Urban development | |
F1 |
A1_3 | Environmental sustainability and climate change (e.g., mitigation, adaptation) | |
F1 |
A1_4 | Global/regional integration | |
F1 |
A1_5 | Private sector development and financial markets | |
F1 |
A1_6 | Foreign direct investment | |
F1 |
A1_7 | Economic growth | |
F1 |
A1_8 | Social protection (e.g., pensions, targeted social assistance) | |
F1 |
A1_9 | Public sector governance/Public administration (i.e., government effectiveness, public financial management, public expenditure, fiscal system reform, regulatory framework) | |
F1 |
A3_7 | The World Health Organization (WHO) | |
F1 |
A3_8 | Regional development banks | |
F1 |
B1_2 | The Inter-American Development Bank (IDB/BID) | |
F1 |
B1_3 | The Latin American Development Bank (CAF) | |
F1 |
B2 | Overall, the World Bank Group currently plays a relevant role in development in Ecuador | |
F1 |
B3 | The World Bank Group’s work is aligned with what I consider the development priorities for Ecuador | |
F1 |
B4_2 | The Inter-American Development Bank (IDB/BID) | |
F1 |
B4_3 | The Latin American Development Bank (CAF) | |
F1 |
B5 | To what extent does the World Bank Group’s work help to achieve development results in Ecuador? | |
F1 |
B7_12 | Capacity development related to World Bank Group supported projects | |
F1 |
B8_1 | Social protection (e.g., pensions, targeted social assistance) | |
F1 |
B8_10 | Transport and public works (e.g., roads, bridges, transportation) | |
F1 |
B8_11 | Equality of opportunity (i.e., equity, gender equity) | |
F1 |
B8_12 | Health and nutrition | |
F1 |
B8_13 | Poverty reduction | |
F1 |
B8_14 | Global pandemic – COVID - 19 | |
F1 |
B8_15 | Energy | |
F1 |
B8_16 | Education | |
F1 |
B8_17 | Environmental sustainability and climate change (e.g., mitigation, adaptation) | |
F1 |
B8_18 | Trade and exports | |
F1 |
B8_19 | Job creation/employment | |
F1 |
B8_2 | Crime and violence | |
F1 |
B8_20 | Economic growth | |
F1 |
B8_21 | Law and justice (e.g., judicial system) | |
F1 |
B8_22 | Public sector governance/Public administration (i.e., government effectiveness, public financial management, public expenditure, fiscal system reform, regulatory framework) | |
F1 |
B8_23 | Disaster risk management |