Compare File Name Label
fam_impacts_covid_loss_life Which of the following impacts of COVID-19 did the family experience? Loss of life
fam_mem_sit_female_headed Do any of the following apply to the members of the household? Single female headed household(female living on her own)
fam_mem_sit_person_health Do any of the following apply to the members of the household? Persons with life-threatening health issues
fam_mem_sit_single_male Do any of the following apply to the members of the household? Single male-headed household (male living on his own)
hhh_sit_female_headed Do any of the following apply to the head of the household? Single female headed household(female living on her own)
hhh_sit_person_health Do any of the following apply to the head of the household? Persons with life-threatening health issues Persons with life-threatening health issues
hhh_sit_single_male Do any of the following apply to the head of the household? Single male-headed household (male living on his own)