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hh_access_education Every community member has the same access to education services in this location.
hh_access_hc Every community member has the same access to healthcare services in this location.
hh_access_water Every community member has the same access to water services in this location.
hh_authorities I feel that the authorities can deal with crime, disputes, or threats to the community when needed.
hh_com_communication The communication between the community members and the community leadership/local governance has improved over the past year
hh_com_conflict_why_specify If selected Other, please specify.
hh_com_dispute_subcommittees When a dispute happens in the settlement, who would you usually go to? / Community Leadership sub-groups
hh_com_disputes There are frequent disputes between community members in this location that create tensions between many people in the whole community
hh_com_disputes_intern Are there any local disputes or conflicts between any different members of the community? (includes fighting, disagreements, or any problems between community members that may require mediation)
hh_com_leadership The community leadership have the capcity to play a positive role in resolving disputes within the greater community in this location.
hh_com_leadership_relations The situation in this location in terms of relations with the community members and community leadership has improved in the past months.
hh_com_represented All communities in the area are equally representted in local government bodies.
hh_com_selfhelp To what extent do you think members of the community in this location are helping each other in dealing with the current situation?
hh_com_support_w Community leaders are playing an important role in supporting women in this location.
hh_com_trust I can trust everyone living in this location community regarless of their ethnic, religious, or tribal background
hh_conflict_contact I avoid contact with certain groups or community members due to previous conflict or disagreements.
hh_conflict_groups There is currently conflict between different groups in the community.
hh_feedback_how_community_centre (If yes) What complaint and feedback mechanisms are there? / Community Centres
hh_fin_typ_saving_community What type of financial support networks or institutions are there? / Community-based savings and lending
hh_fin_typ_saving_village What type of financial support networks or institutions are there? / Village-based savings and lending
hh_groups_accepted Certain population groups/community members are not accepted in the community because of conflict-related grievances.
hh_huma_assistance_community What assistance has been received by your household in the last year? / Community Development
hh_huma_support Are you aware of any NGOs working in this location to help support the community in any way in the last year?
hh_leaders_relations Community leaders are taking measures to strengthen relations between different groups within this location.
hh_leadership_important The community leadership plays an important role in solving conflicts with other groups in this location.
hh_leadership_structures How are members of these leadership structures selected?
hh_leadership_support If I need the support of the community leader to solve and issue, I trust that "my side" of the story will be heard.
hh_localgov I will now ask you about community leadership structures in this location. Who represents the community and make decisions on their behalf ?
hh_main_problems What do you see as the greatest problem for the community in this location right now?
hh_prot_con_b_abduction_recrui In the last 30 days, were any boys (below the age of 18) in your household concerned about any of the following in or around the community? / Abduction, recruited into armed forces or groups, or detention
hh_prot_con_b_abuse_exploitation In the last 30 days, were any boys (below the age of 18) in your household concerned about any of the following in or around the community? / Abuse or exploitation
hh_prot_con_b_attacks_harassmt In the last 30 days, were any boys (below the age of 18) in your household concerned about any of the following in or around the community? / Attacks or harassment
hh_prot_con_b_eviction In the last 30 days, were any boys (below the age of 18) in your household concerned about any of the following in or around the community? / Eviction from home
hh_prot_con_b_explosive_hazards In the last 30 days, were any boys (below the age of 18) in your household concerned about any of the following in or around the community? / Explosive hazards (mines, ERW, PPIEDs)
hh_prot_con_b_maiming_killing In the last 30 days, were any boys (below the age of 18) in your household concerned about any of the following in or around the community? / Maiming or killing
hh_prot_con_b_movemt_restr In the last 30 days, were any boys (below the age of 18) in your household concerned about any of the following in or around the community? / Movement restrictions (not COVID-19 related)
hh_prot_con_b_none In the last 30 days, were any boys (below the age of 18) in your household concerned about any of the following in or around the community? / None
hh_prot_con_b_oth In the last 30 days, were any boys (below the age of 18) in your household concerned about any of the following in or around the community? / Other
hh_prot_con_b_refuse In the last 30 days, were any boys (below the age of 18) in your household concerned about any of the following in or around the community? / Don't know or don't want to answer
hh_prot_con_b_violent_destru In the last 30 days, were any boys (below the age of 18) in your household concerned about any of the following in or around the community? / Violent destruction of property or farmland
hh_prot_con_g_abduction_recrui In the last 30 days, were any girls (below the age of 18) in your household concerned about any of the following in or around the community? / Abduction, recruited into armed forces or groups, or detention
hh_prot_con_g_abuse_exploitation In the last 30 days, were any girls (below the age of 18) in your household concerned about any of the following in or around the community? / Abuse or exploitation
hh_prot_con_g_attacks_harassmt In the last 30 days, were any girls (below the age of 18) in your household concerned about any of the following in or around the community? / Attacks or harassment
hh_prot_con_g_eviction In the last 30 days, were any girls (below the age of 18) in your household concerned about any of the following in or around the community? / Eviction from home
hh_prot_con_g_explosive_hazards In the last 30 days, were any girls (below the age of 18) in your household concerned about any of the following in or around the community? / Explosive hazards (mines, ERW, PPIEDs)
hh_prot_con_g_forced_marriage In the last 30 days, were any girls (below the age of 18) in your household concerned about any of the following in or around the community? / Forced/early marriage
hh_prot_con_g_maiming_killing In the last 30 days, were any girls (below the age of 18) in your household concerned about any of the following in or around the community? / Maiming or killing
hh_prot_con_g_movemt_restr In the last 30 days, were any girls (below the age of 18) in your household concerned about any of the following in or around the community? / Movement restrictions (not COVID-19 related)
hh_prot_con_g_none In the last 30 days, were any girls (below the age of 18) in your household concerned about any of the following in or around the community? / None
hh_prot_con_g_oth In the last 30 days, were any girls (below the age of 18) in your household concerned about any of the following in or around the community? / Other