Compare File Name Label
DWE08_dont_know 12.5 - In the past 6 months, did you have to pay or provide anything (goods/labour) to live in your current shelter? Hint: This can refer to regular or one-time payments. Do not know
DWE08_no_need 12.5 - In the past 6 months, did you have to pay or provide anything (goods/labour) to live in your current shelter? Hint: This can refer to regular or one-time payments. No
DWE08_other 12.5 - In the past 6 months, did you have to pay or provide anything (goods/labour) to live in your current shelter? Hint: This can refer to regular or one-time payments. Other
DWE08_prefer_not_to_answer 12.5 - In the past 6 months, did you have to pay or provide anything (goods/labour) to live in your current shelter? Hint: This can refer to regular or one-time payments. Prefer not to answer
DWE08_yes_not_specified 12.5 - In the past 6 months, did you have to pay or provide anything (goods/labour) to live in your current shelter? Hint: This can refer to regular or one-time payments. Yes, not specified
DWE08_yes_payment_goods 12.5 - In the past 6 months, did you have to pay or provide anything (goods/labour) to live in your current shelter? Hint: This can refer to regular or one-time payments. Yes, payment through goods (food raions, shelter materials, NFIs, etc.)
DWE08_yes_payment_labor 12.5 - In the past 6 months, did you have to pay or provide anything (goods/labour) to live in your current shelter? Hint: This can refer to regular or one-time payments. Yes, payment through labor (agriculture, fishing, construction, etc.)
DWE08_yes_payment_of_cash 12.5 - In the past 6 months, did you have to pay or provide anything (goods/labour) to live in your current shelter? Hint: This can refer to regular or one-time payments. Yes, payment of cash
HH01 5.4 - Including yourself, how many people live in this household?
not_attending_toooung 8.5 - If they were not attending, please define the main reason(s) for the same. Still too young to attend school
not_enrolled_toooung 8.1 - If they were not enrolled, please define the main reason(s) for the same. Still too young to attend school