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acce_ment_care_civ_docs_problems If yes, please specify the kind of difficulty faced when trying to access these services./Problems with civil documents
acce_ment_care_closure_COVID If yes, please specify the kind of difficulty faced when trying to access these services./Closure of services because of COVID-19 restrictions
acce_ment_care_distance_center If yes, please specify the kind of difficulty faced when trying to access these services./The treatment center was too far away
acce_ment_care_gender_descr If yes, please specify the kind of difficulty faced when trying to access these services./Gender descrimination
acce_ment_care_healthcare_cost If yes, please specify the kind of difficulty faced when trying to access these services./Cost of services was too high
acce_ment_care_language_barrier If yes, please specify the kind of difficulty faced when trying to access these services./Language barrier
acce_ment_care_medicine_cost_hig If yes, please specify the kind of difficulty faced when trying to access these services./Cost of medicine was too high
acce_ment_care_no_medicine_hosp If yes, please specify the kind of difficulty faced when trying to access these services./No medicine available at hospital
acce_ment_care_no_medicine_pharm If yes, please specify the kind of difficulty faced when trying to access these services./No medicine available at pharmacy
acce_ment_care_no_medicine_phc If yes, please specify the kind of difficulty faced when trying to access these services./No medicine available at public health clinic
acce_ment_care_no_off_trea_hosp If yes, please specify the kind of difficulty faced when trying to access these services./No treatment available for the problem at the hospital
acce_ment_care_no_off_trea_phc If yes, please specify the kind of difficulty faced when trying to access these services./No treatment available for my disease at the public health clinic
acce_ment_care_no_referral_phc If yes, please specify the kind of difficulty faced when trying to access these services./Public health clinic did not provide referral
acce_ment_care_no_support_family If yes, please specify the kind of difficulty faced when trying to access these services./No support from family (gender norms)
acce_ment_care_no_transport If yes, please specify the kind of difficulty faced when trying to access these services./No transport available
acce_ment_care_not_know_where If yes, please specify the kind of difficulty faced when trying to access these services./Did not know where to access such services
acce_ment_care_other If yes, please specify the kind of difficulty faced when trying to access these services./Other
acce_ment_care_phc_closed If yes, please specify the kind of difficulty faced when trying to access these services./Health clinic not open
acce_ment_care_refused_treatment If yes, please specify the kind of difficulty faced when trying to access these services./Medical staff refused treatment without any explanation
acce_ment_care_staff If yes, please specify the kind of difficulty faced when trying to access these services./Lack staff
acce_ment_care_stigma If yes, please specify the kind of difficulty faced when trying to access these services./Stigma
access_wo_repro_services Do women in the household of reproductive age (12-49 years) have access to reproductive healthcare services?
COV_hlth_diff_healthcare_cost If yes, please specify the kind of difficulty./Cost of services was too high
COVID_access_health_service Since COVID-19 started in Iraq (mid-March), has anyone in your household needed to access health services or treatment for health issues or disabilities (including medicines and excluding mental health issues)?
legal_advice_assayesh If you were to need legal advice, which of the following services do you have access to?/Assayesh
legal_advice_humanitarian_NGO If you were to need legal advice, which of the following services do you have access to?/Humanitarian NGOs
legal_advice_local_court If you were to need legal advice, which of the following services do you have access to?/Local Court
legal_advice_other If you were to need legal advice, which of the following services do you have access to?/Other
legal_advice_police If you were to need legal advice, which of the following services do you have access to?/Police
legal_advice_private_lawyer If you were to need legal advice, which of the following services do you have access to?/Private Lawyer
needed_PPS In the last three months, has this person needed to access psychological support services and treatment (including medicines)?
pri_live_social_service What were your household's primary income sources over the last 30 days?/Social service (disability allowance)
problems_access_mental_care If any household member needed to access to psychological support services and treatment in the previous three months, did the member(s) experience any problems in accessing the health care needed?
safe_place_DCVAW Do all household members know where they can access support services after a GBV incident that affected them, should this occur?/Directorate for Combating Violence Against Women (DCVAW)
safe_place_decline_answer Do all household members know where they can access support services after a GBV incident that affected them, should this occur?/Decline to answer
safe_place_do_not_know Do all household members know where they can access support services after a GBV incident that affected them, should this occur?/Do not know
safe_place_Health_facility Do all household members know where they can access support services after a GBV incident that affected them, should this occur?/Health facility
safe_place_MOLSA_DOLSA Do all household members know where they can access support services after a GBV incident that affected them, should this occur?/Ministry/Directorate of Labour and Social Affairs (MoLSA/DoLSA)
safe_place_other Do all household members know where they can access support services after a GBV incident that affected them, should this occur?/Other
safe_place_private_lawyer Do all household members know where they can access support services after a GBV incident that affected them, should this occur?/Private Lawyer
safe_place_Women_center Do all household members know where they can access support services after a GBV incident that affected them, should this occur?/Women center
wo_repro_services_decline_answer If women do have access, please specify the type of service used./If women do have access, please specify the type of service used./Decline to answer
wo_repro_services_do_not_know If women do have access, please specify the type of service used./If women do have access, please specify the type of service used./Do not know the type of service
wo_repro_services_other If women do have access, please specify the type of service used./If women do have access, please specify the type of service used./Other type of service
wo_repro_services_private If women do have access, please specify the type of service used./If women do have access, please specify the type of service used./Private health facility services
wo_repro_services_public If women do have access, please specify the type of service used./If women do have access, please specify the type of service used./Public health facility services
wo_repro_services_semi_private If women do have access, please specify the type of service used./If women do have access, please specify the type of service used./Semi-private health facility services
wom_heal_pub_decline_answer Has any female household member experienced any of the following discriminatory treatment when trying to access PUBLIC health services?/Decline to answer
wom_heal_pub_denigratory_comment Has any female household member experienced any of the following discriminatory treatment when trying to access PUBLIC health services?/Denigratory comments
wom_heal_pub_none Has any female household member experienced any of the following discriminatory treatment when trying to access PUBLIC health services?/None of these difficulties