Compare File Name Label
Accommodation_change_long How long has the household been living in this shelter?
Accommodation_previous_type What was the previous type of accommodation the household lived in?
CancelledChanges1 q1102- What other changes have you experienced in your life/how have you handled it since your cash assistance was cancelled?/Accumulation of various debts (rent, electricity-water bills, personal debts)
CancelledChanges2 q1102- What other changes have you experienced in your life/how have you handled it since your cash assistance was cancelled?/Inability to meet basic needs (food, drink, heating...)
CancelledChanges3 q1102- What other changes have you experienced in your life/how have you handled it since your cash assistance was cancelled?/Send family members to work, including children
CancelledChanges4 q1102- What other changes have you experienced in your life/how have you handled it since your cash assistance was cancelled?/Reducing basic non-food expenditures such as education and health
CancelledChanges5 q1102- What other changes have you experienced in your life/how have you handled it since your cash assistance was cancelled?/Nothing/ no change
ChangedAccommodationReason1 q1101.a- If you have changed accommodation, what are the three main reasons?/Moved to live with other family members
ChangedAccommodationReason4 q1101.a- If you have changed accommodation, what are the three main reasons?/Moved to a place with better living-conditions
FamNotReg q301- How many not registered nuclear families live in the house?
hhr_new1 Are there individuals living in this Asylum Seekers Certificate that were not mentioned in the previous individuals roster?
new_members_size_1 How many of these individuals live in this family and were not mentioned in the previous table (new individuals)?