Compare File Name Label
diff_hlt_serv_civ_docs_problems What difficulties did any member in your household encounter when attempting to access health services or treatment in the past 3 months?/civ docs problems
diff_hlt_serv_COVID_closure What difficulties did any member in your household encounter when attempting to access health services or treatment in the past 3 months?/COVID closure
diff_hlt_serv_COVID_fear What difficulties did any member in your household encounter when attempting to access health services or treatment in the past 3 months?/COVID fear
diff_hlt_serv_distance_tcenter What difficulties did any member in your household encounter when attempting to access health services or treatment in the past 3 months?/distance to treatmentcenter
diff_hlt_serv_female_not_allowed What difficulties did any member in your household encounter when attempting to access health services or treatment in the past 3 months?/female not allowed
diff_hlt_serv_gender_descrim What difficulties did any member in your household encounter when attempting to access health services or treatment in the past 3 months?/gender descrimination
diff_hlt_serv_healthcare_cost What difficulties did any member in your household encounter when attempting to access health services or treatment in the past 3 months?/healthcare cost
diff_hlt_serv_language_barrier What difficulties did any member in your household encounter when attempting to access health services or treatment in the past 3 months?/language barrier
diff_hlt_serv_medicine_cost_high What difficulties did any member in your household encounter when attempting to access health services or treatment in the past 3 months?/medicine cost high
diff_hlt_serv_no_female_staff What difficulties did any member in your household encounter when attempting to access health services or treatment in the past 3 months?/no female staff
diff_hlt_serv_no_issues What difficulties did any member in your household encounter when attempting to access health services or treatment in the past 3 months?/no issues
diff_hlt_serv_no_medicine_hosp What difficulties did any member in your household encounter when attempting to access health services or treatment in the past 3 months?/no medicine hosp
diff_hlt_serv_no_medicine_pharm What difficulties did any member in your household encounter when attempting to access health services or treatment in the past 3 months?/no medicine pharm
diff_hlt_serv_no_medicine_phc What difficulties did any member in your household encounter when attempting to access health services or treatment in the past 3 months?/no medicine phc
diff_hlt_serv_no_off_treat_hosp What difficulties did any member in your household encounter when attempting to access health services or treatment in the past 3 months?/no offered treatment hosp
diff_hlt_serv_no_off_treat_phc What difficulties did any member in your household encounter when attempting to access health services or treatment in the past 3 months?/no offered treatment phc
diff_hlt_serv_no_referral_phc What difficulties did any member in your household encounter when attempting to access health services or treatment in the past 3 months?/no referral phc
diff_hlt_serv_no_support_family What difficulties did any member in your household encounter when attempting to access health services or treatment in the past 3 months?/no support from family
diff_hlt_serv_no_transport What difficulties did any member in your household encounter when attempting to access health services or treatment in the past 3 months?/no transport
diff_hlt_serv_not_tried What difficulties did any member in your household encounter when attempting to access health services or treatment in the past 3 months?/not tried
diff_hlt_serv_other What difficulties did any member in your household encounter when attempting to access health services or treatment in the past 3 months?/other
diff_hlt_serv_phc_closed What difficulties did any member in your household encounter when attempting to access health services or treatment in the past 3 months?/phc closed
diff_hlt_serv_refused_treatment What difficulties did any member in your household encounter when attempting to access health services or treatment in the past 3 months?/refused treatment
diff_hlt_serv_unq_staff_hosp What difficulties did any member in your household encounter when attempting to access health services or treatment in the past 3 months?/unqualified staff hosp
diff_hlt_serv_unq_staff_phc What difficulties did any member in your household encounter when attempting to access health services or treatment in the past 3 months?/unqualified staff phc
health_accessed In the last three months, has anyone in your household needed to access health services or treatment (including medicines) and was NOT able to access it?
pri_liv_social_service What were your household's primary income sources over the last 30 days?/social service