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callback Your answers will help us to understand and respond to your community needs. May we call you back again in a few months?
covid_otherspecify Following a 'Yes' answer to the 'covid_other' field, the respondent is required to explain what additional covid-related impact(s) the household has suffered from in the last 3 months.
shock_animaldisease Has your household faced any particular disaster or crisis affecting your community or your household that affected your ability to raise an income and/or to produce food for self consumption in the last 3 months?
shock_cantworkordobusiness Has your household faced any particular disaster or crisis affecting your community or your household that affected your ability to raise an income and/or to produce food for self consumption in the last 3 months?
shock_coldtemporhail Has your household faced any particular disaster or crisis affecting your community or your household that affected your ability to raise an income and/or to produce food for self consumption in the last 3 months?
shock_dk Has your household faced any particular disaster or crisis affecting your community or your household that affected your ability to raise an income and/or to produce food for self consumption in the last 3 months?
shock_drought Has your household faced any particular disaster or crisis affecting your community or your household that affected your ability to raise an income and/or to produce food for self consumption in the last 3 months?
shock_earthquake Has your household faced any particular disaster or crisis affecting your community or your household that affected your ability to raise an income and/or to produce food for self consumption in the last 3 months?
shock_fire Has your household faced any particular disaster or crisis affecting your community or your household that affected your ability to raise an income and/or to produce food for self consumption in the last 3 months?
shock_firenatural Has your household faced any particular disaster or crisis affecting your community or your household that affected your ability to raise an income and/or to produce food for self consumption in the last 3 months?
shock_flood Has your household faced any particular disaster or crisis affecting your community or your household that affected your ability to raise an income and/or to produce food for self consumption in the last 3 months?
shock_higherfoodprices Has your household faced any particular disaster or crisis affecting your community or your household that affected your ability to raise an income and/or to produce food for self consumption in the last 3 months?
shock_higherfuelprices Has your household faced any particular disaster or crisis affecting your community or your household that affected your ability to raise an income and/or to produce food for self consumption in the last 3 months?
shock_hurricane Has your household faced any particular disaster or crisis affecting your community or your household that affected your ability to raise an income and/or to produce food for self consumption in the last 3 months?
shock_landslides Has your household faced any particular disaster or crisis affecting your community or your household that affected your ability to raise an income and/or to produce food for self consumption in the last 3 months?
shock_lostemplorwork Has your household faced any particular disaster or crisis affecting your community or your household that affected your ability to raise an income and/or to produce food for self consumption in the last 3 months?
shock_napasture Has your household faced any particular disaster or crisis affecting your community or your household that affected your ability to raise an income and/or to produce food for self consumption in the last 3 months?
shock_noshock Has your household faced any particular disaster or crisis affecting your community or your household that affected your ability to raise an income and/or to produce food for self consumption in the last 3 months?
shock_othercropandlivests Has your household faced any particular disaster or crisis affecting your community or your household that affected your ability to raise an income and/or to produce food for self consumption in the last 3 months?
shock_othereconomicshock Has your household faced any particular disaster or crisis affecting your community or your household that affected your ability to raise an income and/or to produce food for self consumption in the last 3 months?
shock_otherintrahhshock Has your household faced any particular disaster or crisis affecting your community or your household that affected your ability to raise an income and/or to produce food for self consumption in the last 3 months?
shock_othermanmadehazard Has your household faced any particular disaster or crisis affecting your community or your household that affected your ability to raise an income and/or to produce food for self consumption in the last 3 months?
shock_othernathazard Has your household faced any particular disaster or crisis affecting your community or your household that affected your ability to raise an income and/or to produce food for self consumption in the last 3 months?
shock_pestoutbreak Has your household faced any particular disaster or crisis affecting your community or your household that affected your ability to raise an income and/or to produce food for self consumption in the last 3 months?
shock_plantdisease Has your household faced any particular disaster or crisis affecting your community or your household that affected your ability to raise an income and/or to produce food for self consumption in the last 3 months?
shock_ref Has your household faced any particular disaster or crisis affecting your community or your household that affected your ability to raise an income and/or to produce food for self consumption in the last 3 months?
shock_sicknessordeathofhh Has your household faced any particular disaster or crisis affecting your community or your household that affected your ability to raise an income and/or to produce food for self consumption in the last 3 months?
shock_theftofprodassets Has your household faced any particular disaster or crisis affecting your community or your household that affected your ability to raise an income and/or to produce food for self consumption in the last 3 months?
shock_violenceinsecconf Has your household faced any particular disaster or crisis affecting your community or your household that affected your ability to raise an income and/or to produce food for self consumption in the last 3 months?