Compare File Name Label
children_not_staying_with_hh 1.12. Does your household have any child, son or daughter (<18 years) not currently living in the household?
collapse_living_there 5. Shelter has severe structural damage, so that it is unsafe for living (household is still staying in shelter)
collapse_open 8. Shelter has totally collapsed or has severe structural damage, so that it is unsafe for living (household is sleeping in the open)
collapse_with_oth_hh 6. Shelter has totally collapsed or has severe structural damage, so that it is unsafe for living (household is staying with other household or in temporary relocation center/communal shelter)
hh_size 1.11. Including yourself, how many people live in this household?
with_oth_hh 7. Household is staying with other household due to lack of space/poor living conditions