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crp_seed_organized_community Who do you normally procure your seeds from?' 'Yes' if 'Community seed banks / farmer networks / farmers' association / etc.' selected.
fcg Food Consumption Group. Based on Food Consumption Scores, a household’s food consumption can be classified into one of three categories: poor, moderate, or acceptable.
hhg Households are divided into five categories based on their household hunger scale (hhs).
ls_feed_common_pasture Where do you usually access food for your [ls_main]? ' 'Yes' if 'Community-managed pasture land' selected.
rcsi_score The rCSI is an experience-based indicator measuring the behaviour of households over the past seven days when they did not have enough food or money to purchase food. The score is equal to the sum of number of days each strategy has been used times its st
shock_animaldisease Has your household or community faced any particular disaster or crisis affecting your household's ability to raise an income and/or to produce food for self consumption in the last 3 months, and if so, which one(s)?' 'Yes' if 'Animal disease (affecting m
shock_coldtemporhail Has your household or community faced any particular disaster or crisis affecting your household's ability to raise an income and/or to produce food for self consumption in the last 3 months, and if so, which one(s)?' 'Yes' if 'Cold temperatures or hail'
shock_dk Has your household or community faced any particular disaster or crisis affecting your household's ability to raise an income and/or to produce food for self consumption in the last 3 months, and if so, which one(s)?' 'Yes' if 'DON'T KNOW' selected.
shock_drought Has your household or community faced any particular disaster or crisis affecting your household's ability to raise an income and/or to produce food for self consumption in the last 3 months, and if so, which one(s)?' 'Yes' if 'Drought / heat stress' sele
shock_earthquake Has your household or community faced any particular disaster or crisis affecting your household's ability to raise an income and/or to produce food for self consumption in the last 3 months, and if so, which one(s)?' 'Yes' if 'Earthquake' selected.
shock_firemanmade Has your household or community faced any particular disaster or crisis affecting your household's ability to raise an income and/or to produce food for self consumption in the last 3 months, and if so, which one(s)?' 'Yes' if 'Fire from human-induced dis
shock_firenatural Has your household or community faced any particular disaster or crisis affecting your household's ability to raise an income and/or to produce food for self consumption in the last 3 months, and if so, which one(s)?' 'Yes' if 'Fire from natural disaster'
shock_flood Has your household or community faced any particular disaster or crisis affecting your household's ability to raise an income and/or to produce food for self consumption in the last 3 months, and if so, which one(s)?' 'Yes' if 'Flood / riverbank erosion'
shock_higherfoodprices Has your household or community faced any particular disaster or crisis affecting your household's ability to raise an income and/or to produce food for self consumption in the last 3 months, and if so, which one(s)?' 'Yes' if 'Unusually high food prices'
shock_higherfuelprices Has your household or community faced any particular disaster or crisis affecting your household's ability to raise an income and/or to produce food for self consumption in the last 3 months, and if so, which one(s)?' 'Yes' if 'Unusually high fuel prices
shock_hurricane Has your household or community faced any particular disaster or crisis affecting your household's ability to raise an income and/or to produce food for self consumption in the last 3 months, and if so, which one(s)?' 'Yes' if 'Hurricane / cyclone / torna
shock_landslides Has your household or community faced any particular disaster or crisis affecting your household's ability to raise an income and/or to produce food for self consumption in the last 3 months, and if so, which one(s)?' 'Yes' if 'Landslides' selected.
shock_lostemplorwork Has your household or community faced any particular disaster or crisis affecting your household's ability to raise an income and/or to produce food for self consumption in the last 3 months, and if so, which one(s)?' 'Yes' if 'Lost employment or working
shock_mvtrestrict Has your household or community faced any particular disaster or crisis affecting your household's ability to raise an income and/or to produce food for self consumption in the last 3 months, and if so, which one(s)?' 'Yes' if 'Population movement restric
shock_napasture Has your household or community faced any particular disaster or crisis affecting your household's ability to raise an income and/or to produce food for self consumption in the last 3 months, and if so, which one(s)?' 'Yes' if 'Lack of physical access to
shock_noshock Has your household or community faced any particular disaster or crisis affecting your household's ability to raise an income and/or to produce food for self consumption in the last 3 months, and if so, which one(s)?' 'Yes' if 'No shock' selected.
shock_othercropandlivests Has your household or community faced any particular disaster or crisis affecting your household's ability to raise an income and/or to produce food for self consumption in the last 3 months, and if so, which one(s)?' 'Yes' if 'Other crop and livestock sh
shock_othereconomicshock Has your household or community faced any particular disaster or crisis affecting your household's ability to raise an income and/or to produce food for self consumption in the last 3 months, and if so, which one(s)?' 'Yes' if 'Other economic shock' selec
shock_otherintrahhshock Has your household or community faced any particular disaster or crisis affecting your household's ability to raise an income and/or to produce food for self consumption in the last 3 months, and if so, which one(s)?' 'Yes' if 'Other intra-household shock
shock_othermanmadehazard Has your household or community faced any particular disaster or crisis affecting your household's ability to raise an income and/or to produce food for self consumption in the last 3 months, and if so, which one(s)?' 'Yes' if 'Other human-induced hazard'
shock_othernathazard Has your household or community faced any particular disaster or crisis affecting your household's ability to raise an income and/or to produce food for self consumption in the last 3 months, and if so, which one(s)?' 'Yes' if 'Other natural hazard' selec
shock_pestoutbreak Has your household or community faced any particular disaster or crisis affecting your household's ability to raise an income and/or to produce food for self consumption in the last 3 months, and if so, which one(s)?' 'Yes' if 'Pest outbreak' selected.
shock_plantdisease Has your household or community faced any particular disaster or crisis affecting your household's ability to raise an income and/or to produce food for self consumption in the last 3 months, and if so, which one(s)?' 'Yes' if 'Plant disease' selected.
shock_ref Has your household or community faced any particular disaster or crisis affecting your household's ability to raise an income and/or to produce food for self consumption in the last 3 months, and if so, which one(s)?' 'Yes' if 'REFUSED' selected.
shock_sicknessordeathofhh Has your household or community faced any particular disaster or crisis affecting your household's ability to raise an income and/or to produce food for self consumption in the last 3 months, and if so, which one(s)?' 'Yes' if 'Sickness or accident or dea
shock_theftofprodassets Has your household or community faced any particular disaster or crisis affecting your household's ability to raise an income and/or to produce food for self consumption in the last 3 months, and if so, which one(s)?' 'Yes' if 'Theft of production assets
shock_violenceinsecconf Has your household or community faced any particular disaster or crisis affecting your household's ability to raise an income and/or to produce food for self consumption in the last 3 months, and if so, which one(s)?' 'Yes' if 'Violence and insecurity / c