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Journal Article
Elbers, Chris, Jean Olson Lanjouw, Peter Lanjouw, and Philippe George Leite. "Poverty and inequality in Brazil: new estimates from combined PPV-PNAD data." (2004)
Journal Article
Ferreira, F, P Lanjouw, and M Neri. "The urban poor in Brazil in 1996: a new poverty profile using PPV, PNAD and Census Data." (1998)
Journal Article
Lanjouw, Peter. "Estimating geographically disaggregated welfare levels and changes." (2003) The World Bank, Washington DC USA.
Journal Article
Ferreira, FHG, and Peter Lanjouw. "Rural nonfarm activities and poverty in the Brazilian Northeast." (2001) World Development.
Journal Article
Haslett, S J, and G Jones. "Small-area estimation of poverty the aid industry standard and its alternatives." Australian & New Zealand Journal of Statistics 52, no. 4 (2010): 341-362.
Journal Article
Demombynes, G., C. Elbers, J. Lanjouw, P.F. Lanjouw, J.A. Mistiaen, and B. Ozler. "Producing an improved geographic profile of poverty: Methodology and evidence from three developing countries." World Institute for Development Economic Research Working Papers , no. 2002/39 (2002).
Conference Paper
Helfand M, Steven. "What can be learned from the agricultural censuses about rural poverty in Brazil?." Sociedade Brasileira de Economia e Sociologia Rural (SOBER),. Brazil, 07, 2004.
Journal Article
von Amsberg, Joachim, Peter Lanjouw, and Kimberly Nead. "The poverty targeting of social spending in Brazil." (2003)
Working Paper
Naidoo, Jesse. "Finite-sample bias and inconsistency in the estimation of poverty maps." Southern Africa Labour and Development Research Unit , no. 36 (2009).
Journal Article
Ferreira, Francisco H, Peter Lanjouw, and Marcelo Neri. "A robust poverty profile for Brazil using multiple data sources." (2003)
Journal Article
Jayaraman, Rajshri, and Peter Lanjouw. "Small-scale industry, environmental regulation, and poverty: the case of Brazil." World Bank Economic Review 18, no. 3 (2004): 443-4.
Working Paper
Ferré, Céline, Francisco H Ferreira, and Peter Lanjouw. "Is there a metropolitan bias? The inverse relationship between poverty and city size in selected developing countries." (2010) World Bank Policy Research Working Paper No. 5508.
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