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Conference Paper
Winters, Paul, Gero Carletto, Benjamin Davis, Kostas Stamoulis, and Alberto Zezza. "Rural income-generating activities in developing countries: A multi-country analysis." “Beyond Agriculture: The Promise of the Rural Economy for Growth and Poverty Reduction,” FAO. January, 2006.
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Carlo, Azzarri, Carletto Gero, Davis Benjamin, and Zezza Alberto. "Monitoring poverty without consumption data : An application using the Albania panel survey." Eastern European Economics 44, no. 1 (2006).
Azzarri, Carlo, Calogero Carletto, Benjamin Davis, and Alberto Zezza. Choosing to migrate or migrating to choose: migration and labour choice in Albania. 2006.
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Miluka, Juna, Gero Carletto, Benjamin Davis, and Alberto Zezza. "The vanishing farms? The impact of international migration on Albanian family farming." World Bank Policy Research Working Paper No. 4367 , no. 4367 (2007).
Working Paper
Zezza, Alberto, Paul Winters, Benjamin Davis, Gero Carletto, Katia Covarrubias, Esteban Quinones, Kostas Stamoulis, Luca Tasciotti, Carlo Azzarri, Stefania DiGiuseppe, and Gustavo Anriquez. "Rural household heterogeneity in access to assets, inputs and markets: A cross country comparison." (2007) ESA Working Paper.
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Carletto, Gero, Katia Covarrubias, Benjamin Davis, Marika Krausova, and Paul Winters. "Rural income generating activities study: Methodological note on the construction of income aggregates." (2007) Agricultural Sector in Economic Development Service, Food and Agriculture Organization.
Working Paper
Zezza, Alberto, Paul Winters, Benjamin Davis, Gero Carletto, Katia Covarrubias, Esteban Quinones, Kostas Stamoulis, Takis Karfakis, Luca Tasciotti, Stefania DiGiuseppe, and Genny Bonomi. "Rural household access to assets and agrarian institutions: A cross country comparison." (2007) ESA Working Paper No. 07-17.
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Stecklov, Guy, Calogero Carletto, Carlo Azzarri, and Benjamin Davis. "Gender and migration from Albania." Migration and Development Conference, , . Lille, France, June, 2008.
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Journal Article
Winters, Paul, Benjamin Davis, Gero Carletto, Katia Covarrubias, Esteban J Quiñones, Alberto Zezza, Carlo Azzarri, and Kostas Stamoulis. "Assets, activities and rural income generation: Evidence from a multicountry analysis." World Development 37, no. 9 (2009): 1435-1452.
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Valdés, Alberto, William Foster, Gustavo Anríquez, Carlo Azzarri, Katia Covarrubias, Benjamin Davis, Stefania DiGiuseppe, Tim Essam, Tom Hertz, Ana P de la O, Esteban Quiñones, Kostas Stamoulis, Paul Winters, and Alberto Zezza. "A profile of the rural poor." (2010) Background Paper for IFAD Rural Poverty Report 2010.
Journal Article
Davis, Benjamin, Paul Winters, Gero Carletto, Katia Covarrubias, Esteban J Quiñones, Alberto Zezza, and Kostas Stamoulis. "A cross-country comparison of rural income generating activities." World Development 38, no. 1 (2010): 48-63.
Journal Article
Winters, Paul, Timothy Essam, Alberto Zezza, Benjamin Davis, and Calogero Carletto. "Patterns of rural development: A cross-country comparison using microeconomic data." Journal of Agricultural Economics 61, no. 3 (2010): 628-651.
Journal Article
Milukaa, Juna, Gero Carlettob, Benjamin Davisc, and Alberto Zezza. "The vanishing farms? The impact of international migration on Albanian family farming." Journal of Development Studies 46, no. 1 (2010): 140-161.
Book Section
Azzarri, Carlo, Gero Carletto, Benjamin Davis, and Alberto Zezza. "Migration and Poverty: Toward Better Opportunities for the Poor." (2011) The evolution of Albanian migration and its role in poverty reduction.
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