
Showing 1-5 of 5
Book Section
Gruszcynska, Beata, Ineke Haen-Marshall, and Dirk Enzmann. "Juvenile delinquency in Europe and beyond: an international perspective on key issues and causes." (2009) Bosnia and Herzegovina.
Enzmann, Dirk, Beata Gruszcynska, and Ineke Haen-Marshall. Juvenile delinquency in Europe and beyond: results of the second international self-report delinquency study. New York, NY: Springer, 2009.
Samson, Michael, Oliver Babson, Claudia Haarman, Dirk Haarman, Gilbert Khathi, Kenneth Mac Quene, and Ingrid van Niekerk. Research review on social security reform and the basic income grant for South Africa. Cape Town, South Africa: Economic Policy Research Institute, 2002.
Working Paper
Haarmann, Dirk. "The living conditions of South Africa's children." Applied Fiscal Research Centre Research Monograph Series , no. 9 (1999).
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