
Showing 1-3 of 3
Journal Article
Simonsen, Marianne, and Lars Skipper. "Child health in a developing country: consequences for short-and medium term outcomes." (2007)
Chawla, Mukesh, Gordon Betcherman, Arup Banerji, Anne M Bakilana, Csaba Feher, Michael Mertaugh, Maria L Puerta, Anita M Schwartz, Lars Sondergaard, and Andrew Burns. From red to gray: the \"third transition\" of aging populations in Eastern Europe and the former Soviet Union. Washington, DC, United States of America: World Bank, 2007.
Working Paper
Arndt, Channing, Roberta Distante, M. Azhar Hussain, Lars Peter Østerdal, Pham Lan Huong, and Maimuna Ibraimo. "Ordinal welfare comparisons with multiple discrete indicators: a first order dominance approach and application to child poverty." (2011)
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