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Oliphant, Nicholas P, John B Mason, Tanya Doherty, Mickey Chopra, Pamela Mann, Mark Tomlinson, Duduzile Nsibande, and Saba Mebrahtu. "The contribution of Child Health Days to improving coverage of periodic interventions in six African countries." Food and Nutrition Bulletin 31, no. 3 (2010).
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Mason, John B, Sophie Chotard, Adam Bailes, Saba Mebrahtu, and Peter Hailey. "Impact of drought and HIV on child nutrition in Eastern and Southern Africa." Food and Nutrition Bulletin 31, no. 3 (2010).
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Mason, John B, Sophie Chotard, Emily Cercone, Megan Dieterich, Nicholas P Oliphant, Saba Mebrahtu, and Peter Hailey. "Identifying priorities for emergency intervention from child wasting and mortality estimates in vulnerable areas of the Horn of Africa." Food & Nutrition Bulletin 31, no. Supplement 3 (2010): 234S-247S.
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Chotard, Sophie, John B Mason, Nicholas Oliphant, Sabu Mebrahtu, and Peter Hailey. "Fluctuations in wasting in vulnerable child populations in the Greater Horn of Africa." (2010) Food & Nutrition Bulletin.
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Mason, John B, Adam Bailes, Karen E Mason, Olivia Yambi, Urban Jonsson, Claudia Hudspeth, Peter Hailey, Andrea Kendle, Dominique Brunet, and Pierre Martel. "AIDS, drought, and child malnutrition in southern Africa." Public Health Nutrition 8, no. 06 (2005): 551-563.
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