Literal question
[Questions 19-31 were asked of persons age 10 or older]
20. Even though [the person] did not work, does s/he have any job from which s/he was absent because of vacation, leave, benefit pay or illness? (Include situations like lack of raw materials, damaged machinery, strikes, other impediment, etc.)
[] 1 Yes (continue to question 26)
[] 2 No
Interviewer instructions
This is when a person spends at least one hour a week performing any economic activity and earns profits, wages, or a salary or another type of payment in money or in kind, or as an unpaid worker.
Not work
Unpaid household tasks and work on a person's own dwelling.
Unpaid volunteer work for a church, fire department or other non-profit institution.
Work done by persons who are involuntarily confined to an institution such as a jail, sanitarium, asylum, penal farm, etc.
For persons age 10 or older (Questions 19-31)
Question 20. Even though [the person] did not work, did s/he have any job from which s/he was absent because of vacation, leave, benefit pay or illness?
(Include situations like lack of raw materials, damaged machinery, strikes, other impediment, etc.)
Mark an "X" next to the option stated by the informant.
If the answer is "Yes", go to question 26.