Core Welfare Indicators Questionnaire 2005
Baseline Survey on Poverty, Welfare and Services in Karatu, Kondoa, Mbulu, and Monduli Districts
Name | Country code |
Tanzania | TZA |
Core Welfare Indicators Questionnaire [hh/cwiq]
The CWIQ was the first survey of its kind to be administered in each of the Karatu, Mbulu, Kondoa and Monduli districts. Although beyond the purpose of this study, the results of the CWIQ could also be set against those of other CWIQ surveys that have been implemented in other districts and regions of Tanzania: Mbeya Urban District, Singida Urban District, Mtwara Urban District, Monduli District, Rural Kagera Region and Rural Shinyanga Region. African countries that have implemented nationally representative CWIQ surveys include Malawi and Ghana.
Sample survey data [ssd]
The scope of the CWIQ includes :
Subnational. The 2005 CWIQ survey was conducted in the largely rural districts of Karatu, Kondoa, Mbulu, and Monduli.
Name |
EDI Ltd (Economic Development Initiatives) |
Name |
Tanzania-Netherlands Stichting Nederlands Vrijwilligers |
The following sampling procedure was applied in each of the four districts : Karatu, Kondoa, Mbulu and Monduli:
Data from the 2002 Census was used to put together lists of all sub-villages in each district. In the first stage of the sampling process sub-villages (also referred to as Enumeration Areas or clusters) were selected in 2 strata, rural and peri-urban. While 26 rural sub-villages were selected randomly from a list of all rural sub-villages in the district, 4 peri-urban sub-villages were selected randomly from a list of all peri-urban sub-villages. Listing of households was then administered by the Lead Supervisors in each of the selected Enumeration Areas (EA's). Two visits were made to each EA. In the first visit chairmen of the village and the sub-village were asked to compile a list of all residents of the sampled sub-village or prepare the Village Register if one existed. In the second visit, the list prepared, or Village Register, were verified by the Lead Supervisors. Upon completion of the listing process, 15 households were randomly selected from the list of each of the sampled sub-villages.In total, 450 households were surveyed; 390 of these were located in rural areas and 60 in peri-urban areas. All households were given statistical weights reflecting the number of households that they represent.
15 Household Questionnaires were administered and anthropometric measurements were collected for children under age 5
The Community Questionnaire has 3 main parts. The first is an interview with the village chairman and/or Village Executive Officer (VEO). The second part is an interview with the chairman of the village council Finance and Planning Committee. An interview with the chairman of the village council Security Committee concludes the questionnaire.
Start | End | Cycle |
2005-02 | 2005-03 | Household Listing and Data Collection Monduli |
2005-03 | 2005-04 | Household Listing and Data Collection Karatu |
2005-04 | 2005-04 | Household Listing and Data Collection Mbulu |
2005-04 | 2005-04 | Household Listing and Data Collection Kondoa |
Name |
EDI Ltd (Economic Development Initiatives) |
In each district, a 15 page interview administered in each of the sampled households by an experienced interviewer trained by EDI. The respondent was the most informed person in the household, as identified by the members of the household. In the great majority of cases this person was also the head or spouse of the head of household. Further, a community questionnaire was administered in every village visited in each of the four districts.
Distance Measurements
Global Positioning Systems were used to record the position of every interviewed household. In addition, the coordinates of the nearest health facility with the capacity to conduct malaria tests, the nearest primary school and the nearest regular public transport were recorded in every village. These measurements allow calculation of distances between households and these facilities. In addition, they allow calculation of distances from the household to the centre of the sub-village and from the village to the district capital.
In addition to this distance data, household questionnaire respondents were asked to estimate the distance to the nearest source of water, food market, health facility, primary school, secondary school and public transport. As the result, distances to primary school, health facilities and public transport can be expressed in 3 ways. Firstly, as a distance estimated by the respondent. Secondly, as the respondent’s estimate of the time it takes to travel to the facility. Thirdly, using the GPS coordinates of the location of the facility and the respondent’s residence.
Name | Affiliation | URL | |
Joachim De Weerdt - Research Director | EDI Ltd (Economic Development Initiatives) | | |
EDI Ltd | | | |
EDI Ltd | | |
Is signing of a confidentiality declaration required? | Confidentiality declaration text |
yes |
Before being granted access to the dataset, all users have to formally agree: 1. To make no copies of any files or portions of files to which s/he is granted access except those authorized by the data depositor. 2. Not to use any technique in an attempt to learn the identity of any person, establishment, or sampling unit not identified on public use data files. 3. To hold in strictest confidence the identification of any establishment or individual that may be inadvertently revealed in any documents or discussion, or analysis. Such inadvertent identification revealed in her/his analysis will be immediately brought to the attention of the data depositor. |
Use of the dataset must be acknowledged using a citation which would include:
EDI Ltd (Economic Development Initiatives).Core Welfare Indicators Questionnaire - Baseline Survey on Poverty, Welfare Services in Mbulu District Tanzania (CWIQ) 2004 . Ref. TZA_2005_CWIQ_v01_M. Downloaded from on 29 March 2011.
The user of the data acknowledges that the original collector of the data, the authorized distributor of the data, and the relevant funding agency bear no responsibility for use of the data or for interpretations or inferences based upon such uses.
Name | Affiliation | URL | |
Joachim De Weerdt - Research Director | EDI Ltd (Economic Development Initiatives) | | |
Name | Affiliation | Role |
Development Economics Data Group | The World Bank | Documentation of the DDI |
Version 01 (February 2013)
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