Interviewer instructions
In the upper part the identification of the Enumeration Area. Enter the name of the Zila in the blank space for Zila name and the geo-code from the first page of census Book. According to geo-code enter the decennial digit in the upper line and single digit in the second line. Similarly, enter the name of the thana and its geo-code in the specific box. In the next line enter the union name for rural area and ward number for municipal area and then enter the geo-codes from census packet and fill out the appropriate oval boxes. Similarly, in the next line enter the mauza name for rural area and mahallah name for municipal area and geo codes from census packet and fill out the appropriate oval boxes. At last, fill out 1 oval box for rural, 2 oval box for urban, 3 oval box for other urban, and 4 oval box for SMA area.