Interviewer instructions
Question 28: Working Status
Working status is divided into five categories. Fill out the most appropriate oval box for this question.
Question 28 Working Status: This question is not applicable for person who do not work or looking for work as identified in question 27 and filled oval code 1 and 2. Fill out the following oval codes for persons economically active.
1. Employer: A person who worked as an employer for the last week.
2. Family Helper: A person who worked as a family helper without remuneration.
3. Other Self Employed: Person who is self employed i.e not employed by others.
4. Day Labour: Person who works on daily wage basis.
5. House Servant: Person who is engaged as house servant/maid servant/security workers on the basis of salary.
6. Others: Person engaged in works except category 1 to 5.