Literal question
Details of persons in the household -- All household members
[Questions 1 to 14: All persons]
9. What is [the respondent's] current usual state of usual residence? Where [the respondent] lived or intends to live for 6 months or more.
If foreigner less than 1 year old, code "99". Use the state codes on the separate sheet.
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Interviewer instructions
Q9 "What is [the respondent's] current state and county/mahaliya of usual residence?"
The place of usual residence is where a person lives and sleeps at least 6 out of the last 12 months or intends to live 6 out of the next 12 months.
Write the two digit state codes in the first and second boxes and shade the corresponding digits.
Write the two digit county/mahaliya codes in the next two boxes and shade the corresponding digits.
If a person is a foreign visitor without a usual residence in Sudan, write "99" in both the state and county/mahaliya boxes and shade the corresponding digits.
Never assume that a person's state and county of usual residence is the place where they spent census night.
Please see annex 6 for the complete list of state and county codes.
[Below the text is a form showing questions 9-10 and a list of state codes. This illustration is omitted here]