Question pretext
In order to determine who to interview, I need to know who lives at this address. Let me assure you that any information you provide is strictly confidential. By asking “who lives at this household?”, I mean those who share meals ('eat out of the same cooking pot') and usually stay here for at least four months a year.
I would like to know the age, sex, marital status, educational level and relationship to the household head of each of the members of this household who live here.
Please include people who may presently be in an institution due to their health (for example, in hospital or old people's home) for a short time.
Interviewer instructions
INTERVIEWER: Identify and collect information on REINTERVIEW household members first, then address new household members (those who were not part of the household in the previous interview in 2003).
INTERVIEWER: By "new" household member, we mean someone who was not a household member when we interviewed this household in 2002/2003 as part of WHO's World Health Survey.
INTERVIEWER AND SUPERVISOR: For reinterview household members from the WHS, interviewer should determine if person still a HH member in Q0404a (Yes or No) and supervisor/interviewer should insert WHS ID from WHS HH roster in Q0404b. For new household member, circle "9=N/A" for Q0404a and use "9 8" in Q0404b.
INTERVIEWER: remember to include people who may presently be in an institution for a short time due to their health.
INTERVIEWER: if Q0404a=2 then skip to Q0415
Question post text
We want to start with the person who is the head of the household. By head of the household we mean the main decision maker in the household. The head can be either male or female. If two people are equal decision-makers, take the older person.