Value |
Category |
0 |
No religion |
11 |
Roman catholic apostolic |
12 |
Brazilian catholic apostolic |
13 |
Orthodox catholic |
14 |
Christian orthodox |
19 |
Other catholic |
21 |
Evangelical protestant, Lutheran |
22 |
Evangelical protestant, Presbyterian |
23 |
Protestant evangelical,Methodist |
24 |
Evangelical protestant, Baptist |
25 |
Evangelical protestant, Congregational |
26 |
Evangelical protestant, Adventist |
27 |
Evangelical protestant, Anglican Episcopalian |
28 |
Evangelical protestant, Mennonite |
30 |
Salvation army |
31 |
Evangelical protestant, Assembly of God Pentecostal |
32 |
Evangelical protestant, Congregational Christian of Brazil, Pentecostal |
33 |
Evangelical protestant Brazil for Christ, Pentecostal origin |
34 |
Evangelical protestant, foursquare gospel church of Pentecostal origin |
35 |
Evangelical protestant universal of the kingdom of God of Pentecostal origin |
36 |
Evangelical protestant house of the blessing of Pentecostal origin |
37 |
Evangelical protestant house of prayer of Pentecostal origin |
38 |
Evangelical protestant God is love of origin Pentecostal |
39 |
Evangelical protestant maranata of Pentecostal origin |
40 |
Renewed evangelical protestant without institutional ties |
42 |
Evangelical protestant Christian community of Pentecostal origin |
43 |
New life evangelical protestant of Pentecostal origin |
44 |
Evangelical protestant community of Pentecostal origin |
45 |
Other evangelical protestant churches of Pentecostal origin |
46 |
Evangelical protestant biblical revival of Pentecostal origin |
47 |
Evangelical protestant chain of prayer of origin Pentecostal |
48 |
Evangelical protestant church of the Nazarene of Pentecostal origin |
49 |
Undetermined evangelical protestant |
51 |
Church of Jesus Christ of the latter day saints |
52 |
Evangelical protestant Jehovah's witnesses |
53 |
Lbv/religion of God |
59 |
Spiritualist [espiritualista] |
61 |
Spiritualist [espírita] |
62 |
Umbanda |
63 |
Candomblé |
64 |
Other declarations of African-Brazilian religiosity |
71 |
Judaism |
74 |
Hinduism |
75 |
Buddhism |
76 |
New eastern religions |
79 |
Other eastern religions |
81 |
Islam |
82 |
Esoteric traditions |
83 |
Brazilian indigenous traditions |
85 |
Christian religiosity without institutional ties |
89 |
Undetermined |
98 |
Unknown |
Warning: these figures indicate the number of cases found in the data file. They cannot be interpreted as summary statistics of the population of interest.