Literal question
Q.9 Usual residence one year ago
If the person's usual address one year ago was the same as that given at Q.10, write "Same". If not, write in full the usual address at that time.
For children now younger than one year old, write "Under 1".
Explanatory notes
Questions 8 and 9 - Usual residence now; usual residence one year ago
If an address in any part of Ireland (including Northern Ireland) is being given, ensure that the county of residence is stated. In addition, if the address is in a town, the name of the town should be given and if it is in a rural area, the town land name should be given. In every case the full postal address should be given.
If the address is outside Ireland, state the country of usual residence.
For school children who are away from home during term-time, the home address and not the term-time address should be regarded as the usual residence.
For students at university and other 3rd level institutions who are away from home during term-time, the term-time address should be regarded as the usual residence.
For persons temporarily in hospitals and other institutions, give the home address.
For persons with no settled address, write "None".
Interviewer instructions
Questions which cover all persons
Q.8 and Q.9: Usual Residence - Now and One Year Ago
Where the address given is the same as that in which the person is being enumerated, you should write in RED HERE (Question 8) or SAME (Question 9).
Otherwise, where the address stated is in any part of Ireland (including Northern Ireland) it is essential that it is given in full. The name of the country is sufficient in the case of a foreign address.
As it is common practice to include the name of the postal town when writing a rural address, it is most important to ensure as far as possible that where an address includes the name of a town, the residence in question is actually situated within that town. You should ask any questions necessary to enable you to establish the true location of residence.