Interviewer instructions
7. Question 7: Are you... [ethnicity or religion]?
[Instructions refer to a graphic of the census form including question 7.]
The purpose of the question is to distinguish between the main groups constituting the population.
Ask the person and mark his/her answer in the questionnaire. Do not determine the answer according to impression. Meaning, do not rely on his/her name, accent etc.
A. If the person is a Christian, belonging to a sect different than the ones mentioned in the questionnaire, circle no. 6 and write the name of the sect above the line next to it.
[p. 17]
B. If the person does not belong to any of the groups mentioned in the answer, or you receive answers such as Atheist, Canaanite, Israeli, etc. -- circle no. 8 and write the answer above the line.
C. If a person answered he/she is Greek, inquire whether he/she is Orthodox or Catholic and mark the full answer: for a Greek Orthodox, mark answer 3 and for a Catholic, mark answer 4.
D. If a person answered that he/she is Armenian, Syrian or Coptic, inquire whether a Catholic or Orthodox, mark no.6 and write the appropriate answer.
If a person answered in Arabic that he/she is "Rom Catholic" -- mark answer 4, Greek-Catholic. If a person answered that he/she is Roman-Catholic, mark answer 5, Latin (Catholic).