Literal question
[Questions 1-28 were asked of household members aged 15 years or older]
[Question 8-12]
8. Did you attend school in the past, or are you attending now?
"School" also includes: evening school, Yeshiva, University, etc.
"School" does not include: Kindergarten; a course which lasts less than a year; correspondence courses, language courses, etc.
[] 1 Did not attend school at all: circle and skip to 13
[] 2 Attended school in the past and does not attend school now
[] 3 Attend school now
Interviewer instructions
10. Question 8 -- explanations: Have you ever attended school?
[Instructions refer to a graphic of the census form including question 8.]
The question divides the population into three groups: persons who never attended school, persons who attended school in the past, persons attending school now.
School also includes evening-school, a course of over than a year, yeshiva, a school preparing for external matriculation exams, school for apprentices, university, Technion, teacher-training college etc.
School does not include kindergarten, study in a course shorter than a year, study by correspondence (e.g. Open University), language or music course even when longer than a year, private lessons, self-tutoring etc.
The term school, as explained above, is valid for the following questions regarding education as well.