Literal question
[Questions 19 through 32 asked of persons aged 15 and over.]
27. Industry or Employer - Describe clearly this person's chief job activity or business last week. If this person had more than one job, describe the one at which this person worked the most hours. If this person had no job or business last week, give the information for his/her last job or business since 1995.
29. Was this person - Mark [X] one box.
[] Employee of a private-for-profit company, business or individual, for wages, salary, or commissions
[] Employee of a private not-for-profit, tax-exempt, or charitable organization
[] Local government employee (city, county, municipality, etc.)
[] State government employee
[] Federal government employee
[] Self-employed in own not incorporated business, professional practice, or farm
[] Self-employed in own incorporated business, professional practice, or farm
[] Working without pay in family business or farm