Interviewer instructions
Below we will review some definitions that will help you read the map:
Census Department: This is the territorial subdivision of the country and coincides with the political-administrative limits of the departments.
Census Region: This is the subdivision of the census departments defined according to the operating criteria for the 2011 census. Each region is a collection of Areas of the Team Leader.
Area of the Team Leader: This is a unit of survey also defined by operating criteria of the 2011 Census, assigned to each Team Leader. Each Area is composed of a collection of census zones of block areas, rural areas, or a combination of both and is identified with a single code. In the following example, the area includes census zones in block areas and non-block areas and zones of the Sanchez locality.
Census Zone: This is a unit of survey that in census localities or blocked areas (area amanzanada) generally coincides with a block (manzana); however the limits of the zone can also be defined by visual elements, or lines that represent wires or continuations of streets. In areas without blocks the census zone corresponds to portions of territory defined by easily recognizable natural or artificial limits (water paths, highways, neighborhood paths, train tracks). Below we will see some definitions that will help you with the reading of the map:
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Enumeration borders: These refer to each one of the borders of blocks located in the interior of each census zone of block areas. They can be composed of a sidewalk of the block or by waterways, train tracks, wire fences. In the following example, a dotted line has been drawn to show the border corresponding to the R. Berois Street.
Census locality or blocked area: This is the collection of census zones that are characterized by a concentration of population and dwellings and is commonly recognized as an urban area.
Geo-code: This refers to the numeric code that identifies each one of the distinct areas of survey: department, region, area of Team Leader, census zone, and that permits us to associate to the geographic locations without errors. In the following box you can observe the geo-codes of department, region, area of Team Leader, and zone.