Literal question
Cooking Service
10. Which is the principal means of energy used by this household for cooking? (HogSC02)
(Read the question and select the appropriate option according to the response)
[] 1 Electricity
[] 2 Piped gas
[] 3 Super-gas
[] 4 Kerosene
[] 5 Firewood or charcoal
[] 6 Other
[] 7 None, no kitchen
Interviewer instructions
7.3.4 Cooking Service
Which is the principal means of energy used by this household for cooking?
Select the main option:
piped gas
firewood or charcoal
none, no kitchen
In the case of a household using various sources of energy, solicit that they indicate to you the one used the most. For example: if the kitchen uses super-gas with an electric oven and the oven is used very little, in the questionnaire "super-gas" is recorded.
If they indicate to you that in that household cooking is not performed, select the option "none, no kitchen."