Literal question
11. Which is the principal means of energy used by this household for heating the surroundings? (HogCa01)
(Read the question and select the appropriate option according to the response)
[] 1 Electricity
[] 2 Firewood
[] 3 Piped gas
[] 4 Super-gas
[] 5 Kerosene
[] 6 Gas oil
[] 7 Fuel oil
[] 8 Other
[] 9 None
Interviewer instructions
7.3.5 Heating
Which is the principal means of energy used by this household for heating the surroundings?
Select the main option:
piped gas
[p. 83]
gas oil
fuel oil
If the household interviewed declares more than one source, solicit that they identify which is used the majority of the time.
Keep in mind that in the case that central heating does not exist, the informant should signal which is the source that provides the energy.
In the case that the household does not utilize any means for heating the spaces, select the option "none."