Value |
Category |
11 |
Household with one person |
21 |
Household with two people: couple |
22 |
Household with two people: other situations |
31 |
Household with three people: couple with child |
32 |
Household with three people: other situations |
41 |
Household with four people: couple with two kids |
42 |
Household with four people: other situations |
51 |
Household with five people: couple with three kids |
52 |
Household with five people: other situations |
61 |
Household with six people or more: couple with their kids |
62 |
Household with six people or more: other situations |
99 |
NIU (not in universe) |
Warning: these figures indicate the number of cases found in the data file. They cannot be interpreted as summary statistics of the population of interest.