Interviewer instructions
Economic activity (P13 - P17)
Economic activity questions cover P13a, P13b, P13c, P14, P15, P15a, P16 and P17. All these questions should be related to the period of 7 days preceding Census Night. They should be asked only for persons aged 5 years and older.
P17. Employment sector: In what sector was (name) mainly working?
This question relates to the sector of employment in which (name) is working. The following explanations of employment sectors have been given to guide you choose the appropriate option.
1. Public - Code 1 if respondent works or worked in the public sector which is made up of establishments that are largely regulated, owned or controlled by the central or local government e.g. ministries, other government departments and agencies, district assemblies, national mobilization program, etc.
2. Private Formal - Record 2 for persons who worked in large/organised establishments owned and controlled by private person(s). These establishments include Uniliver, Darko Farms, Japan Motors, Nestle, CFAO, Shell, MTN, UT Bank, etc. They are formal in the sense that they have established procedures for keeping records, recruitment, promotion, and dismissals.
3. Private Informal - Record code 3 for persons who worked in small establishments owned and controlled by private person(s). They are informal in the sense that they have no established procedures for keeping records, recruitments, promotion and dismissals, e.g. Kumasi Magazine garages, Abossey Okai spare parts shops, table top shops, etc.
4. Semi-public/parastatal - Record 3 in the appropriate box if respondent works in corporations and boards that are partly or fully owned by the government. These do not, however, depend on the consolidated fund or government funds. They normally generate their own income and have some autonomy e.g. ECG, VRA, Ghana Water Company, Ghana Broadcasting Corporation, Graphic Communications Group Limited, etc.
5. NGOs (local and international) - Enter code 4 for respondents who work in non-profit making organizations which aim at providing services / facilities / assistance to the government and communities. There are two main types of NGO's.
(i) Local NGO's e.g. Friends for the Mentally Retarded. Ghana Society for the blind, etc.
(ii) International NGO's e.g. Save the Children Fund, International Needs, Water Aid, Help Age, World Vision International, ADRA, Care International, etc.
6. International Organizations - Write down 5 in the box for persons who work in international organizations. This includes UNDP, UNICEF, UNHCR, FAO, UNFPA, WHO, AU, ECA, World Bank, etc.