Interviewer instructions
13. Measurement units
For all question when the respondent is asked to specify certain quantity, amount, frequency, different measure units are offered (e.g. kilogram-sack, month-year, meter-kilometer, etc.) among which the respondent can choose the most suitable measure unit to him/her, and which is easiest for him/her to give answer to required question. The respondent can choose, within the same section, to give answers for different items in different measure units (e.g. seed use for different crops could be expressed in different measure units).
After the interviewer asks, household or individual first chooses the unit of measure in which they want to answer, and then give answer on quantity, amount or frequency. The interviewer enters measure unit code in the corresponding column, and after that the amount, quantity or frequency.
The interviewer enters data on such measure unit as the respondent says and does not do any conversion. All necessary conversions would be done by computers during data entry or survey analysis process. Questions would be answered either by whole numbers or by decimal numbers. Decimal is to be separated from the whole number by comma (,).
Question 30 seeks to know the total cost for using landline telephone in the household and the period the cost is referring to, whether daily, weekly, monthly or yearly. Interviewer should record the answer in absolute naira and the time unit in the space provided.