Literal question
Section 2: Education
For all household members 5 years and above, please ask the individual the following questions.
9. Were you in school during the 2009-2010 school year?
[ ] 1 Yes (go to q11)
[ ] 2 No
12. By what means does [name] go to school?
[ ] 1 Foot
[ ] 2 Bicycle
[ ] 3 Motorcycle
[ ] 4 Private car
[ ] 5 Taxi
[ ] 6 Bus
[ ] 7 Camel/donkey
[ ] 8 Other (specify) ____
Interviewer instructions
This part covers general information related to education in the past 12 months. Questions are asked on the highest grade and qualification attained, and the expenses incurred on education in the past 12 months.
Question 12: the interviewer should ask the respondent by what means does name go to school.
Note only one option is required (e.g. if a child always walks to school and just one day or sometimes his friends parents drop him with a car the means of that boy is foot =code1).