Literal question
Occupational (economic) characteristics
For persons 12 years of age and older
18. Employment status (occupational category): ____
Only for those employed and unemployed. Mark only one box as appropriate.
Employer: one who operates his own company and pays one or more employees or workers. Own-account worker: one who operates his own company without paid employees or workers. Employee (white-collar): a salaried employee of a boss whose work is primarily intellectual. Worker (manual laborer): one employed by the day or by salary, works for a boss, and whose job consists predominantly of physical activity. Family worker: one who, paid or unpaid, works at least two days out of the week for a family member.
[] 1 Employer
[] 2 Own-account worker
[] 3 Employee
[] 4 Worker [manual laborer]
[] 5 Paid family worker
[] 6 Unpaid family worker
Interviewer instructions
Title XVIII: Employment status (occupational category)
211 - The information about the employment status should be obtained based on the following definitions:
212 - A person who owns their own economic company, or who carries out, on their own, a profession or office and who has one or more workers, to whom they pay a salary or wage. This does not include individuals who only have domestic servants.
[pg. 28]
213 - A person who, without depending on an employer, owns their own economic company, or who carries out, on their own, a profession or office, without employing any paid workers. They can work alone or with associate(s).
214 - A person whose job mainly involves intellectual effort over physical effort, and who works for pay for a public or private boss or employer, of whose census household they are not a member.
The following are also considered employees:
a) Directors, managers, administrators, bosses, inspectors, secretaries, and all other managerial personnel of the various levels;
b) The professors, salaried professionals, and auxiliary specialists of liberal professions;
c) Desk, counter, or office employees,
d) Bill collectors, traveling salespersons, agents, company couriers, radio-technicians, operators, flight attendant and pilots.
215 - A person who's job activity is predominantly manual, and who works for a wage or salary for a public or private foreman or employer, of whose census household they are not a member.
216 - Domestic servants, that is, those who dedicate themselves to household activities (cook, nanny, valet, servant, etc.) should be considered part of this group; these people's industry is denominated as: "family household."
217 - Laborers also include:
a) Teachers of manual labor, foremen, boatswain, apuntadores, officers [skilled workers or oficiales], semi-officers [unskilled workers or medio oficiales], apprentices, peons, changadores;
b) Drivers, machinists, fireperson [foguistas];
c) The foremen and peons of agricultural projects,
d) Deliverers, doorkeepers, packagers, waiters;
e) Hair cutters, hair stylists, manicurists, and other operators of a beauty salon.
218 - Make a mark in the corresponding box only for those persons who are classified as "employed," or "unemployed."