Question pretext
- We want to thank you for your collaboration during the last few years.
- However, we don't have enough resources to give a good present to all the firms which participated in this survey (3,600).
- So we decided to organize a lottery with important prizes so we can thank every firm with a chance to win and at least some firms receive an important gift.
- All respondent who agreed to answer completely to the survey receive a lottery ticket.
- There are 3 types of prizes to win: two types of medium prize worth FCFA 40,000 and the jackpot, a motorbike worth FCFA 400,000.
- There are 1 jackpot and 50 medium prizes.
- Note that the total number of participant to the survey (around 3600) is not very high and so chances of winning are sizable.
- The random draw will be conducted by a child or a student in front of a bailiff.