Flag variable indicating inconsistencies found in editing the response for variable V215.
0 - No flag
1 - Duration given is greater than the interval since the last birth and the respondent did not say, in the maternity section, that she was still amenorrheic since her last birth
2 - Duration given plus the duration of amenorrhea after the last birth is greater than the interval since the last birth
3 - Duration was reported, but the respondent' s period had not returned since the last birth
4 - Respondent reported her last period was before her last birth, but she had never given birth
5 - Respondent reported never having menstruated, but reported in the maternity section that her period had returned after her last birth
6 - Respondent reported her last period was before her last birth, but reported in the maternity section that her period had returned after her last birth
7 - Respondent reported a duration since her last period, but this would place her last period during her last pregnancy
8 - Respondent reported never having menstruated, but she had children
9 - Duration was reported, but the duration would place her period before her last birth