SLUMYN indicates whether the household was located in an urban slum. Interviewers were prompted to record their observation about whether the location was an urban slum, but the questionnaire does not report the criteria for classifying the neighborhood as a slum. The question about urban slum location comes at the end of the household survey form, directly after questions about the home's building materials, so the evaluation may depend on the quality of housing nearby, rather than, say, the income or education levels of residents in nearby dwellings. Only a small minority of respondents were reported to be living in a "bosti" (urban slum).
The information in SLUMYN is taken from the household record and applies to regular household residents, not temporary visitors. Researchers may wish to exclude visitors using the RESIDENT variable (with visitors coded "2") when women, children, or births are the unit of analysis, and using the HHRESIDENT variable when household members are the unit of analysis.