For adult male household members, HWMBMI (HB40) reports their body mass index (BMI). BMI is an anthropometric measure relating weight to height, equal to body weight (kilograms) divided by height (meters) squared (W/H2). BMI is also known as the Quetelet Index, and it is a measure of acute nutritional status, based on the Fogarty Metropolitan Life tables of ideal weight for height.
The original height and weight values used to calculate BMI are also included in the DHS. HWMWEIGHT (HB2) reports the male household member's weight in kilograms as measured by DHS personnel; HWMHEIGHT (HB3) reports their height in centimeters as measured by DHS personnel.
For an alternate measure of male nutrition, IPUMS-DHS users may also be interested in HWMROHRER (the male household member's Rohrer's Index, which is equal to body weight (kilograms) divided by height (meters) cubed (W/H3)).